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  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Antioch Writers Workshop to offer free readings

    Announcing a new monthly poetry column, "First Lines," curated by Audrey Hackett.

    The annual Antioch Writers Workshop returns July 9–14, when more than 100 writers will visit the village and partake in writing workshops and events at Antioch University Midwest. As part of the week of events, free readings will be offered to the general public each evening.

  • Yellow Springs police officer terminated

    Officer John K. Whittemore was terminated from employement at the Yellow Springs Police Department on July 5.

  • BLOG — And Peggy

    Drawing of the former Wiltonville Methodist Church, from the Wilton Heritage Society Museum pamphlet.

    Lauren “Chuck” Shows celebrates Fourth of July weekend by taking in some popular — and some not-so-popular — historical sites.

  • BLOG-Bewitched by Bellatrix

    Who knows long we have with each other? Saying goodbye is always hard. But we have this time now and we are grateful for it.

  • Celebrate Fourth of July with parade, fireworks

    The annual Independence Day festivities will take place Thursday, July 4.

    The Odd Fellows Lodge 279 will again host this year’s Fourth of July parade and fireworks on Monday, July 4.

  • Antioch University restructures; campus presidents fired

    This week Antioch University announced it is restructuring its leadership; among the changes, the jobs of all campus presidents are being eliminated.

  • Antioch College welcomes artist-in-residence

    Shinji Turner-Yamamoto is creating a site specific show at the Herndon Gallery as part of being artist in residence at Antioch College this summer.

    Artist Shinji Turner-Yamamoto will be in residence at Antioch College this summer.

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