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  • Plan, curtail for climate goals

    Faith Morgan and Pat Murphy outside their new nonprofit, Plan Curtail, located on East Whiteman Street. Through its website at, the organization provides research, perspectives, metrics and methods to individuals seeking to make meaningful lifestyle changes to lower their carbon dioxide emissions. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Villagers Faith Morgan and Pat Murphy believe planning a personal energy budget and curtailing personal energy use are the essential actions individuals can take to help slow global warming.

  • Race is on for championships

    The race for the 2016 Minor League regular season championship tightened up going into the final week of play, although the Tom’s Market Pirates still held on to the lead.

  • Antioch College receives accreditation

    Three weeks ago, the class of 2016 cheered each other on during commencement exercises, the second graduation ceremony of the reopened Antioch. The college received word of its accreditation from the Higher learning Commission on Monday, July 11. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Antioch College learned on Monday, July 11, that it had received accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission. The college has been working toward accreditation since reopening in 2009.

  • BLOG— Of fireflies, stars and time

    I could stay out here all night, looking at the white stars, the golden fireflies, the dark shadows against the dark house. Everything I see prompts the question, Are you seeing this, are you really seeing this? I want to see; it feels like knowing, which feels like living.

  • Pre-season soccer tournament kicks off this weekend

    The annual YSHS boys' soccer tournament will be held this weekend. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The annual YSHS pre-season boys’ soccer tournament will be held this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 15–17, at Morgan Fields and YSHS. Twenty-six teams from the Toledo, Columbus, Cincinnati and Dayton areas will participate in the competition.

  • BLOG-Shakespeare Sideways

    A long time lover of his writing, now I get to experience the Bard as a cast member.

  • Annual Vintage Truck Show to return

    The annual Vintage Truck Show, sponsored by local Ertel Publishing's Vintage Truck Magazine, returns on Aug. 6. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Ertel Publishing’s “Vintage Truck” magazine will host its 15th annual Vintage Truck Show on Saturday, Aug. 6, 9 a.m.–4 p.m., at Young’s Dairy.

  • Merry marchers, friendly fire on the Fourth

    Richard Zopf whipped up patriotic fervor for the Odd Fellows, who organized 4th of July parade and fireworks. (PHhoto by Diane Chiddsiter)

    Villagers and visitors didn’t let gloomy skies and the occasional raindrop thwart their Fourth of July on Monday.

  • Herndon Gallery exhibit urges encounters with nature

    Antioch College is welcoming international environmental artist Shinji Turner-Yamamoto to campus this summer as an artist-in-residence who will play a major role in a collaborative, interdisciplinary exploration of our relationship with and in nature.

  • Pirates, Indians lead Minors, Majors

    Despite suffering their first defeat of the season, the Tom’s Market Pirates managed to hang on to first place in the Minor League standings as the 2016 season enters its final weeks of play.

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