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  • Antioch College receives accreditation

    Three weeks ago, the class of 2016 cheered each other on during commencement exercises, the second graduation ceremony of the reopened Antioch. The college received word of its accreditation from the Higher learning Commission on Monday, July 11. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Antioch College President Tom Manley got the word around 1 p.m. this past Monday. An email showed up in his inbox from the Higher Learning Commission, or HLC. It contained the biggest of big news.

  • Your Village Needs You!

    Arts & Culture Commission

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Elizabeth (Mickey) Harwood

    Elizabeth (Mickey) Harwood died on Saturday, July 16, 2016, in Springfield.

  • Library’s Bikemobile brings books on a bike

    Yellow Springs head librarian Connie Collett (left) and librarian Krista Lackey stand next to the Greene County Library System’s mobile bike library, which made its debut in the Yellow Springs 4th of July parade. The bike will appear at different events and places in Yellow Springs and Greene County over the summer, delivering books and helping people learn about the library. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The Greene County Library System shows off its new pedal-powered bike library.

  • Swim lessons begin soon at Gaunt Park

    Registration is now open for swim lessons at the Gaunt Park Pool. Swim lessons will be held Monday–Thursday, Aug. 1–11.

  • BLOG— The power of neighbors

    What’s a neighbor? Someone you live near. Someone you’ve likely not chosen to live near, but do. Your neighbor may grow to be your best friend. But most neighbor relationships are probably less soul-close than proximity-practical.

  • BLOG — Live or tell

    The Little Miami River at Jacoby Road.

    I wanted to write a blog about the magic of the Little Miami River. Then we took a canoe trip.

  • BLOG-Period Pieces

    Sparks are in the air…love and pure flame.

  • JBCP launches Kickstarter campaign

    John Bryan Community Pottery is currently running a Kickstarter campaign in order to help fund the replacement of their gas reduction kiln.

    The John Bryan Community Pottery, or JBCP, recently launched a campaign through the online, time-sensitive fundraising platform Kickstarter, in order to raise money for a new gas reduction kiln.

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