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  • Help spread the word— Find food, utility assistance

    Alongside the signs of holiday prosperity in the village, Yellow Springs has its share of people in need. Fortunately, there are numerous programs in the area that are ready to help and are looking to assist as many people as possible.

  • Ellis among Women of Influence

    WYSO General Manager Neenah Ellis stood in front of more than 50 years of radio station archives, including more than 5,000 recordings on a variety of media. Last month WYSO released nearly 200 digital recordings online after a six-year project to convert and categorize them. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Ellis is currently being recognized for her efforts to shine a light on local stories, along with her long and successful career in radio. Recently she was named one of six 2019 Dayton YWCA Women of Influence, and she will receive the award at the annual Women of Influence luncheon on March 21, 2019, at the Dayton Convention Center.

  • New owner for Town Drug

    The village’s longtime lone pharmacy, Town Drug, is getting a new owner.

  • Villager charges smart meters unsafe

    In this two-part series, the News will examine the issues surrounding radio frequency radiation from both smart meters and new, fifth-generation wireless technology.

  • Council green lights senior apartments

    Plans to build a 54-unit affordable senior apartment complex in the village will move forward after Council approved the project at its Dec. 17 meeting.

  • YS School Board— District forming a facilities committee

    At the last school board meeting of 2018, district Superintendent Mario Basora looked ahead to the new year, when the district “will click the reset button” in addressing local school facility needs.

  • Village Police Reports – 2018 highlights

    We appreciate the hard work of the Yellow Springs Police Department throughout the year to keep the community safe. But in the weekly Village Police Reports, there are usually a few items that are “head scratchers.” Here are some of our favorite colorful and unusual items from the past year’s YSPD reports.

  • Public Hearing Board of Zoning Appeals

    Wednesday, January 9, 2019, 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers,


    January 10, 2019 at 6:30 p.m, Yellow Springs School Board Room, 200 South Walnut Street



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