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  • Village Council Regular Meeting

    Village Council Regular Meeting, Monday, October 7, 2019 at 6 p.m.

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education Work Session

    Board Work Session for Saturday, Oct. 5th

  • Wilfried Karl Keller

    Wilfried Karl Keller passed away peacefully in his sleep on Sept. 26, 2019, at Hospice of Dayton after a long battle related to congestive heart failure.

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education Meeting

    Yellow Springs Board of Education Agenda

  • October 3, 2019 Bulldog Sports Roundup

    October 3, 2019 Bulldog Sports Roundup

  • WYSO now independent nonprofit

    Local public radio station 91.3 FM-WYSO, started by three Antioch College students in 1958, is now independent and community-owned. On Aug. 30, the Federal Communications Commission, or FCC, gave final approval for the transfer of the station’s broadcast license from longtime owner Antioch College to Miami Valley Public Media, Inc., a newly created nonprofit governed by a seven-member community board.

  • Yellow Springs Schools— Holden responds to report card results

    The state’s annual district report cards, based mostly on the results of those tests, were released earlier this month. Yellow Springs received a “C” overall for the 2018–19 school year, down from a “B” for the prior year. The overall grade combines the grades of six different categories measured by the state.

  • YSHS girls soccer team to host ‘Pink Out’

    The Yellow Springs High School girls soccer team will host a “Pink Out” on Saturday, Oct. 5, at the high school stadium, to raise funds and awareness about women’s health issues.

  • YSPD closes the case on fatal shooting

    The Yellow Springs Police Department officially closed its case this week in the Dec. 13, 2018, fatal shooting of local resident Kenneth Livingston.

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