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  • 2020 in six words or one picture

    This year, as in years past, the YS News asked its readers to write a little something in response to a question about the year that’s ending.

  • Christmas eve outside at the First Presbyterian Church

    Creche at the First Presbyterian Chuch, Christmas eve, Dec. 24. (Photo by Matt MInde)

    Visual artist Brian Millar created a creche in front of the First Presbyterian Church, which houses figures of the holy family made by his mother almost 70 years ago.

  • News from the Past

    In last week’s “News from the Past” column, contributing writer Don Hollister did another dive into the YS News archives and compiled some of the more compelling headlines that occurred in past Decembers.

  • Sankofa Talk — An ‘All Lives Matter moment’

    Villagers, from left, Joan Chappelle, Cheryl Smith and Bomani Moyenda, and nearly 100 others attended a demonstration at the Greene County courthouse in Xenia on Monday evening to highlight the injustice of John Crawford’s death by police shooting at the Beavercreek Walmart in August. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    In the most recent installment of Bomani Moyenda’s column, “Sankofa Talk,” Moyenda recounts a tense interaction with an “All Lives Matter” proponent at a forum at Wilmington College.

  • December 24, 2020 — Bulldog Sports Round-Up

    On Friday, Dec. 11, the YSHS boys basketball team hosted the Middletown Christian Eagles. The Eagles jumped to an early lead but the Bulldogs fought back during the fourth quarter.

  • YS Schools— Board OKs hybrid transition plan

    Yellow Springs school district leaders are making plans for students to return to in-person classes, but exactly when that will be is uncertain.

  • First Lines — Many human hearts

    “Completing the harvest” of two years of poetry columns in the News, a final column of thanks to poets and readers. Eighteen local and regional poets have appeared in this space.

  • Village Council— Deficit budget moves ahead

    The Village of Yellow Springs plans to spend about a million dollars more than it takes in next year. As a result, general fund reserves are set to drop to their lowest level in recent years.

  • Spirits of Christmas Past

    In the spirit of the holidays, the Yellow Springs News did a deep dive into the News archives and unearthed a bevy of fun holiday photos from past decades.

  • 30 years of letters to Santa

    For nearly all of the last three decades, former villager Peggy Barker has compiled these letters as Santa’s assistant. She said she took up the job in 1989 when she found herself with some extra time on her hands.

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