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June 2–8, 2022 Classifieds

For sale: cars, trucks, etc. | (back to top)
SELL YOUR WHEELS! YS News classified ads will find a new home for your old(er) car. Place your classified ad today!
SUBARU OUTBACK 2009 FOR SALE.$4,500, 237k miles, runs well. Call 843-209-1187 if interested.

Yard/garage sales | (back to top)
ATTIC FULL? LOOKING FOR KNICK-KNACKS? Yard sales are just the thing!
yART SALE – wall art, jewelry, antique silver tea set, little girl clothing and shoes, small Dixie desk and chair, pottery, vintage glassware and garden decor. Saturday, June 4, and Sunday, June 5, at 1 Lawson Place, Apt. 1.
LITTLE YARD SALE: Saturday, June 4. 254 Xenia Ave, behind the YS Toy Company,10 a.m.–2 p.m. Women’s clothing (new and vintage), home decor, books, fabrics, odds and ends, free stuff too! One day only.
YARD SALE: Saturday, June 4 at 9 a.m. 211 N. Winter St.

Items for sale | (back to top)
GOT A PAL IN PENSACOLA? Tired of reading the police report over the phone? Gift an e-edition subscription: they’ll receive a digital copy of the News in their inbox Thursday morning. Go to and click on Subscribe.

Retail | (back to top)
OPEN FOR BUSINESS? Let everyone know what you’re doing and how you want to do it. Place a classified ad.
ENERGY AND IMMUNITY IN ONE. Organic Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil (CBD) co-extracted with an organic blend of Chaga (anti-viral), Cordycep (increases oxygen intake and lung function), Turkey Tail (strengthens immune system) and Reishi (boosts immune function) medicinal mushrooms. Contact Robert Hasek, 937-558-8474, or order at
NEWS SWAG — NOW ONLINE! Lovely Gail Kort cards, posters and illustrations; News books, posters and notecards. Visit our newly created online retail page, You can also stop by our office the old-school way to pick up nifty news gifts, Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Please call for extended hours, 937-767-7373.

Pets and livestock | (back to top)
SPOOKY THE CAT says sell your books! Come to the Book Fair August 20 at Mills Lawn! Free vendor space!
DOGS, CATS, TORTOISES: find a good home for animals here.

Trade and Barter | (back to top)
NO MONEY NEEDED! List your services or items for exchange.

Free offers | (back to top)
HAVE A NEW NEIGHBOR? Sign them up for a three-month subscription to the News for free and we’ll deliver a welcome package to them. Call the Yellow Springs News office at 937-767-7373, Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.–3 p.m., or email anytime to help keep your new neighbor informed!

Merchandise wanted | (back to top)
FROM ARTICHOKES to xylophones, this is the place to ask for stuff.

Housing, etc., wanted | (back to top)
LOOKING FOR an apartment for a mother and a child. 937-856-8310.
LOOKING FOR A PLACE to live? House or apartment to share? Announce it here and find a room or a roommate.

For rent | (back to top)
TOWNHOUSE APARTMENTS for rent, Hawthorne Place: one-bedroom, $675; two-bedroom, $775; three-bedroom, $875 plus utilities. Laundry facilities on site. 937-324-3606.

Real estate for sale | (back to top)

Lost and found | (back to top)
FOUND SOMETHING? Put it out there. Found ads are free, always have been.
LOST: pair of Airpods along or near Whitehall Drive. Teenager saved up and bought them himself. Please text 937-694-3236 with any info. Thanks!
NOTHING LOST or found this week. Found ads are free.

Legal notices | (back to top)

Employment | (back to top)
PATCHWORK GARDENS, an 11-acre chemical-free farm located in Dayton, is hiring for the 2022 field crew. Full and part-time positions available from now until November. For more information, email us at:
LOOKING FOR A POSITION that allows flexibility in your schedule with the ability to help others? Home assistance: provide light housekeeping, run errands or provide transportation if needed. Accompany my mother to appointments and assist with medications. I am looking for a caring & compassionate person to care for my mother. Work schedule is 5 days a week and 5 hours per day. Salary is $25/hr. Email William at for more details.
GLEN HELEN OUTDOOR EDUCATION CENTER is seeking a naturalist counselor and a kitchen assistant for this summer’s Ecocamp! Information can be found at or contact Kelsey at

Volunteer | (back to top)
TIME SHARE? Offer your spare time or find someone who wants to share theirs.

Services available | (back to top)
SCHEDULE YOUR SEASONAL HVAC/Heating check-up today! A-C Service Co., your locally owned heating and plumbing company. Call today, 937-767-7406.
WEEDING, INCLUDES POISON IVY; detailed house cleaning; Chinese language and cultural tutoring. Call Mao at 937-856-8310.
NEIL DOG TRAINING (“evolving” certified professional trainer/retired special education teacher) will help you train your dog. If you are committed, I can help! Neil Silvert, 937-767-1991 or Free evaluation. Reasonable rates — sliding scale.
TRADESMAN FOR HIRE. Carpentry, electrical, plumbing, welding, pressure wash. Any homeowner/business needs.Call Mark at 937-605-7535.

Financial services | (back to top)
KNOW FINANCES? Help someone who needs it! Advertise your services with a classified ad.

Child care | (back to top)
HOW DO YOU TEACH YOUR CHILD to live a joyful life? How do you prepare them to overcome the challenges that life brings? How do children create their own identities and develop critical social skills? This is where the Antioch School excels. Now enrolling nursery students for 2022-2023. Call 937-767-7642 or visit
WATCH KIDS? Let parents know about your invaluable service.

Instruction | (back to top)
KNOW SOMETHING? TEACH SOMETHING! Pass along your knowledge or valuable skills: Place your classified ad today!
FALL ’22 CUERNAVACA SPANISH IMMERSION PROGRAM. A group of us are going for two weeks at the end of October from 10/22/22 –11/5/22. Wanna come? It’s a two-week full Spanish Immersion program. The people with whom you stay have been vaccinated as have the teachers and guides. The program director is a physician and is always available. The cost for the whole program is $1500 for two weeks. This includes: 3 hours a day of classroom instruction, daily field trips and a visit to Mexico City, as well as room and board. If you have to cancel due to COVID complications, your program fee will be refunded in full. If you are interested please contact Judith Skillings: Several local people participated in the program and can give you a description of the experience.

Events | (back to top)
WHAT’S GOING ON? Have something planned? Announce it with a classified ad today!
TECUMSEH LAND TRUST’S 32nd annual meeting will be on June 5th at 2 p.m. at Xarifa Farm, 3194 Snively Rd. Enjoy live music by the Corndrinkers, walk the bluebird trail, and hear about the exciting work of TLT. Bring a chair or blanket. Sturdy boots recommended. Call 937-767-9490 for more information.

Miscellaneous | (back to top)
CLASSIFIED RATES in the Yellow Springs News — $7 for the first 20 words and 10 cents a word thereafter, for both print and online. Photos are $10 per week, horizontal photos work best. Email us directly at classifieds@ysnews,com, submit online at or stop by the office, 253½ Xenia Ave., by Mondays at 5 p.m. Please note: any yard sales or garage sales need to be prepaid.
DELAYS IN NEWSPAPER DELIVERY? Please call the News at 937-767-7373 if you are experiencing delays. While we cannot guarantee or affect delivery time via local and area post offices, we can confirm that your subscription is in good standing. Newspapers are always available for pick-up at the News office, and subscribers may consider switching to the electronic edition, delivered via email.

Card of thanks | (back to top)
HOW LUCKY we are to have our very own hardware store right here in YS! It’s such fun to go in and see fellow Antioch School alum Dan Badger behind the counter, sharpening or 3D-printing things, solving mechanical problems, and chatting with customers who often have not yet realized he’s an old friend. If you’re lucky, you might also see his wife Sarah, and get assistance from Dave, Charles, or Tammy, or possibly even Dan’s dad, Jim. The other day I even saw Shep & Gilah, too! Thank you, Dan, for fixing my mailbox. Love always, Sam
GIVE A SHOUT OUT! Let the village know about a good deed. Card of Thanks is free — 40 words or less.


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