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Articles by Amy Magnus :: Page 13

  • BLOG-Tiny Homes for Garden Folk

    Sarah Strong’s gifts to this community keep mounting.

  • BLOG- Set to Stew

    In the late months of summer, my husband and I test the capacity of our kitchen.

  • BLOG-Perspective

    Jason Morgan gives a shout out to his supporters on the opening night of his one man show at the Springfield Museum of Art.

  • BLOG-Without A Hitch

    The Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse confronts adversity in a show of strength.

  • BLOG-Black Currant and Basil

    Cast in contrast against bright green, the purple-black berries and basil leaves bring a pleasant zing zang zoom to my summer.

  • BLOG-Spoon into the Neighborhood Nest

    In an artistic endeavor, it is one thing to see the individual elements under preparation. It is quite another thing to see them composed in the artist’s final rendering.

  • BLOG-Be You. Be Recognized.

    If we follow these rainbows, we’re destined to end up closer to our authentic center.

  • BLOG-Bounty from the Bramble

    We risk being aggressively overrun by the unpredictable.

  • BLOG-Water Power

    For his fifth birthday, my son gets a tower that grows up!

  • BLOG-A Walk in the Glen

    There is so much to see, so much to surprise as Glen Helen—like a young child—shifts, metamorphizes, and grows.

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