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Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 76

  • Holiday events abound in village

    A variety of holiday-themed events will take place week-end in the village.

  • Zoning effectiveness a concern

    To see a larger version of the revised zoning map, please click on the link below at the end of the article.

    While Council and Planning Commission officials and Technical Review Committee members applauded the proposed zoning code draft for its new clarity and usability, several raised concerns that the revised code could end up making local development less likely, rather than more.

  • Glen both source, subject for poets

    Glen Helen will be celebrated through poetry this Friday, Dec. 14, at 7 p.m. at the Vernet Ecological Center, formerly the Glen Helen Building. Shown above are organizers Ed Davis, left, and Krista Magaw of Tecumseh Land Trust, with Jack Whitacre, who will all read poetry, along with other local and regional writers. The event is sponsored by TLT and the Glen. (Photo by Diane Chiddister(

    This Friday, Dec. 14, the Yellow Springs community is invited to celebrate the Glen at “In the Spirit of the Glen: A night of nature-inspired poetry.” Eighteen poets will share their original nature-inspired work, and an open mic will also be available.

  • Poetry reading to celebrate Glen Helen

    A celebration of Glen Helen with poetry will take place this Friday, Dec. 14, at 7 p.m. at the Glen Helen Building. The free event is sponsored by the Glen and Tecumseh Land Trust.

  • Streetscape to be implemented in two stages

    At their Sept. 4 meeting, members of Village Council voted unanimously to move ahead with a gradual process for improving the downtown streetscape. The initial phase of the project, planned for this fall, is aimed at fixing the sidewalks deemed most dangerous and removing the street trees causing the most sidewalk damage.

  • Council urged to address ash infestation

    The Emerald Ash Borer has arrived in Yellow Springs, and ash trees are dying. But just standing by as they die is not the only option, according to biologist Don Cipollini, who spoke to Village Council at Council’s Aug. 20 meeting.

  • Zoning code update focus of meeting tonight

    A special meeting between Village Council and the Planning Commission on the recently revised zoning code will take place tonight, Sept. 6, at 6 p.m. at Village Council chambers.

  • Photo contest deadline soon; but be safe!

    The deadline for the Tecumseh Land Trust Sunflower Photo Competition is Sept. 14. However, those slowing down to look at the sunflowers in the field just north of Yellow Springs should do so with care, as two recent accidents have been linked to sunflower-gawkers.

  • Drilling ban is approved

    At their meeting Monday, Aug. 20, Village Council took an initial step toward becoming the first municipality in Ohio to ban fracking and injection wells within its borders.

  • Village Council— Streetscape plan is curbed

    At their Aug. 20 meeting, Village Council members said no to a controversial and ambitious plan to change the downtown streetscape.

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