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Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 89

  • Goals to set 2012 priorities

    At their Nov. 21 meeting, Village Council members held an initial discussion regarding Council’s principles and goals for 2012, a topic generally addressed prior to approving the budget as a way to set Council priorities.

  • Cuts shrink Village budget

    In these difficult economic times, it’s a familiar story for states and municipalities: while revenues are falling, costs are rising. And that’s the story again this year for the Village of Yellow Springs.

  • Bowling balls inspire local jewelry

    Villager Matt Cole creates original jewelry from the outer shell of bowling balls. His designs can be found online at

  • A transition time for Nonstop

    Members of the Nonstop Institute of Yellow Springs gathered recently in the library of their Millworks building. Shown above are, from left standing, Migiwa Orimo, Jill Becker, Chris Hill, C.T. Chen, Michael Casselli and Dan Reyes, with Lincoln Alpern in front. While members will no longer have Nonstop’s MillWorks facility, they plan to continue sponsoring artistic and cultural events in the village. (Submitted photo)

    Since its launch after the shut-down of Antioch College, the educators and artists of Nonstop Institute have been nothing if not flexible and creative. And their flexibility is being called upon once again, as Nonstop members adapt to the newest phase of the group’s existence.

  • Solid waste rate hike approved

    At their Nov. 21 meeting, Village Council members unanimously approved the final reading for a rate hike for Village solid waste disposal.

  • “Share the Joy” provides gifts for local families in need

    The annual “Share the Joy” project, sponsored by the Yellow Springs Library, has begun. The project provides an opportunity for holiday shoppers to purchase anonymous gifts for local families in need.

  • Nonstop in a transitional time

    The Nonstop Institute of Yellow Springs will give up its Millworks facility the end of November, but Nonstop members plan to continue hosting artistic and cultural events in the community at downtown locations.

  • Home, Inc. waiver approved by Village Council

    At their Nov. 7 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously approved a request from Home, Inc. to waive tap-in fees for the proposed Home, Inc./Buckeye Community Hope Foundation affordable senior housing project.

  • The ‘ecstatic surprise’ of a painter

    Local artist Ira Brukner is currently showing 17 of his brightly-colored, abstract paintings at a solo exhibit at the Miller Center for Visual Arts at Urbana University. The exhibit is open to the public Thursday and Saturday afternoons from 1–4 p.m. through Dec. 3, excluding Thanksgiving weekend. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Local artist Ira Brukner describes his painting process as almost magical. “It just happens,” he said of his process.

  • Drones projected to be new force in regional economy

    UAS (unmanned aerial system), popularly known as drones, are the fastest growing weapons systems for the Department of Defense, and a growing economic driver in southwestern Ohio.

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