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Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 95

  • Gearing up for new students

    Getting ready for the arrival of its first group of students, Antioch College recently announced the hiring of its new admissions dean and of the final tenure-track faculty member.

  • Maybe we didn’t win, but we’re fun

    Glenwood Springs, Colo., won the “most fun” town honor as part of this summer’s Rand McNally “Best of the Road” contest. As one of six finalist towns for the “most fun” category, Yellow Springs was visited in late June by two traveling judges and fun was had by all.

  • Cooling spots available for villagers

    During this week’s heat wave, villagers can go to the John Bryan Community Center, the Senior Center or the Yellow Springs Library if they have no air conditioning and need to get out of the heat.

  • Tree-trimming efforts begin soon

    At their July 5 meeting, members of Village Council heard a report from Electric Crew Head Kelley Fox on upcoming tree-trimming efforts in the village

  • ITT to buy YSI Incorporated

    The multinational company ITT Corporation and YSI Incorporated announced this week that they had come to an agreement for ITT to purchase the Yellow Springs company.

  • Antioch hires last of first-year tenure-track faculty

    Antioch College recently announced that it hired its sixth, and last, tenure-track faculty member. Anneris Coria-Navia will be the assistant professor of Spanish.

  • YS Experience focus on creativity

    Organizers of the Yellow Springs Experience are doing some things differently than at the event’s debut last year. In 2011 the Experience takes place in one event-packed weekend rather than being spread out over a week, and more activities are free and aimed at local participants.

  • ITT to acquire YSI Incorporated

    On July 11 YSI Incorporated and ITT Corporation of White Plains, N.Y., announced that ITT will acquire the Yellow Springs company. YSI Incorporated facilities will remain in Yellow Springs, according to a YSI spokesperson.

  • Yellow Springs shines for YS Experience

    Next weekend, July 15-17, the Yellow Springs Experience will offer music, art, dance, theater, nature and the healing arts, among other activities, for the event-packed Yellow Springs Experience.

  • College fills key positions

    On June 22 Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt announced that former college theater professor Louise Smith has been hired as the college’s new dean of community life.

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