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Articles by Lauren Heaton :: Page 38

  • Police investigate burglaries

    Last Friday morning, April 19, the Yellow Springs Police Department issued a Hyper Reach alert to all village residents, informing villagers of a rash of burglaries that have occurred in the village with increasing frequency over the past four months.

  • YSSC full of members, not funds

    The Yellow Springs Senior Center, which serves vital health, transportation and social needs for the area’s senior citizens, for the first time in 2011 and 2012 budgeted for a 6 percent deficit. While the local center is serving more seniors than ever before, around 700 individuals per year, revenue has not kept pace with the expenses needed to serve a growing population of elders.

  • Gear up for the village’s own winged migration

    Glen Helen invites the village’s bird watchers and watching enthusiasts to come out on Saturday, May 11, and help count the number of feathered friends that have chosen the local preserve as either a home or a migrant’s favorite stop-over.

  • School Board— Improvement levy discussed

    The Yellow Springs Schools Permanent Improvement levy that supports buildings and other fixed assets will expire at the end of the year, and the district is discussing whether to renew the levy at the same level or replace it at a higher one.

  • Village Council— ‘Local dispatch worth cost’

    Forty-five villagers gathered in Village Council chambers Monday night, many there to talk about their strong desire to maintain a local dispatch service at the Yellow Springs Police Department. A dozen people spoke, including long-time police officer Al Pierce, who talked about the value of the personal and called the village’s two full-time and five part-time dispatchers the “magnificent seven,” who hold the department together.

  • New York Radiohole artists to lecture, perform

    Antioch College will host two multimedia performance artists for a lecture and workshop on non-hierarchical creative collaboration and New York’s Radiohole.

  • Yellow Springs police announce rash of burglaries

    The Yellow Springs Police Department urged villagers to lock their windows and doors after a series of local burglaries that have taken place within the past week and a half.

  • Barr property burn delayed

    The controlled burn of the Barr property on Xenia Avenue has been rescheduled for May 5.

  • After ten years, Chen’s closes doors

    After serving spring rolls, fried rice and General Tso’s chicken for nearly 10 years from a cozy cove on Dayton Street, Chen’s Asian Bistro closed its doors at the end of March. According to owner Jenny Chen, she and the property owner could not come to a lease agreement.

  • Judge for Struewings, again

    A Greene County Common Pleas Court judge last week ruled in favor of Kenneth and Betheen Struewing in their case against the Village of Yellow Springs. The ruling upholds a decision rendered by a Greene County magistrate last April that the plaintiff’s property easement is valid, granting them one free Village water and sanitary sewer tap for their property on Hyde Road, which lies outside Village limits.

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