Articles by Lauren Shows :: Page 54
BLOG — Whatcha got cookin’?
When considering what to give my three-year-old for Christmas this year, I chose a gift I thought she would like, something that acts as a complement to many of the toys she already has and easily stores them, and which, most importantly, will require very little clean-up from me in the future.
Piano and violin ring out at benefit for Yellow Springs Senior Center
Local pianist Sam Reich and violinist Anyango Yarbo-Davenport will present a benefit concert at the Senior Center on Sunday, Dec. 22 at 3:30 p.m.
Anthrotech seeks volunteers for study
Anthrotech, a local business specializing in body size research, will conduct a hand and wrist study on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 14 and 15 in Yellow Springs, and Monday–Wednesday, Nov. 18–20 in Dayton. 250 people are needed, ages 18–49, both men and women. Participants will have their wrists and hands measured and their height and […]
Antioch College to tear down two buildings
Antioch College recently announced that it will demolish two buildings on campus: the Student Union and Mills Hall.
Anything on Wheels rescheduled due to bike path repairs
The Antioch School fundraiser Anything on Wheels, originally scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 6, has been re-scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 13, to accommodate repairs being made to the Little Miami Scenic Trail.
BLOG — Let’s go to the movies, let’s go see the stars
Imagine, dear readers, if you will: a movie theater at which you supply your own seats, your own sound. At which children and adults alike are free to roam the grounds during the film without bothering anybody. At which you can literally close a door upon your rowdy child (and yourself, too, because we’re not monsters, here) and still enjoy the film?
BLOG — Par-tay!
August 1 marked my four year anniversary as a resident of Yellow Springs, and in all that time, I had yet to attend one of the annual block parties until last weekend.
BLOG — Mermaid feet
My daughter’s first days at swim lessons at Gaunt Park Pool make me reflect (ha!) on my own childhood love for swimming.
Greene County protests loan interest hike will sponsor a protest of the impending July 1 doubling of subsidized Stafford loan interest rates on Thursday, June 27, at 1 p.m. in front of the Greene County Democratic Party headquarters at 10 South Detroit Street in Xenia. Students, parents, and anyone concerned with the proposed increase are urged to come out and […]
BLOG — Le Fabuleux Destin de Moi
Several weeks ago, I went to a screening of Amelie at the Little Art’s “Last Reel Film Festival.” Then I got married. I’ll explain how these two things are, vaguely, related.
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