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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 137

  • Company seeks local oil, gas

    Traffic was disrupted for several days last month on West Enon and North Fairfield Roads just north of Yellow Springs as a large truck took seismic readings of rock formations thousands of feet below the roadways.

  • FCC’s new wing aims to fulfill needs of rehabilitation patients

    At a ceremonial groundbreaking on Monday, Friends Care Community Board President Mary White and Director Karl Zalar raised their shovels to the new $2.25 million rehabilitation wing being built at the facility. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The 30-year old nonprofit Friends Care Community officially broke ground on Monday on a $2.25 million rehabilitation wing at its Herman Street campus.

  • Kindergarteners carol for local seniors

    Local seniors were treated to the sweet songs and dances of Mills Lawn kindergarteners and holiday tunes from the McKinney School band at the 31st Senior Citizen’s Day Celebration, held at Yellow Springs High School on Wednesday.

  • Friends Care breaks ground on rehabilitation wing

    Friends Care Community Center officially broke ground on Monday on a $2.25 million rehabilitation wing at its Herman Street campus. It’s the latest expansion for the 30-year-old non-profit, which provides skilled care, assisted living and independent living for the elderly.

  • UPDATED – YS monthly energy consumption

    The monthly electricity use of the village’s 1,700 residences has slightly increased from 2003, according to figures from the Village utility department.

  • Zoning issue stymies infill

    The denial of a density variance last month by the Board of Zoning Appeals is motivating some Village officials to reconsider the criteria the board uses to grant variances and to review the overall effectiveness of the Village’s zoning code.

  • New firm aims big for local solar

    From left, Scott Lindstrom, Shannon Lindstrom and Paul Wren launched their new company, Yellow Springs Renewable Energy, at a public forum last month. The local company, here with a solar photovoltaic panel, aims to provide residential, commercial and village-scale solar power.

    In October, a new local company, Yellow Springs Renewable Energy, held a public forum to educate the community on the renewable energy revolution taking place in the country and state their goal of leading that renewable energy revolution locally.

  • Food pantry need is on the rise

    Food pantry coordinator Patty McAllister sorts local food donations in the pantry located in the basement of the Yellow Springs Methodist Church. Demand for the free food offered at the pantry has almost doubled in the last month. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Patty McAllister is making sure that no one in Yellow Springs goes hungry. The Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry, which she coordinates, provides free food and household goods on a bi-weekly and emergency basis to local households in need.

  • Zoning, density linked to affordability

    When the Board of Zoning Appeals denied a homeowner’s application last week for a density variance to construct three more homes around his existing home on Marshall Street, the board was adhering to the strict criteria of a Village zoning code intended to discourage density, according to Village planner Ed Amrhein.

  • Land trust garners praise

    The director of the largest federal funding source for farmland preservation stopped in Yellow Springs last week to visit Ohio’s top recipient of federal funding, the Tecumseh Land Trust, which he praised as one of the nation’s top land trusts.

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