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Articles by Reilly Dixon :: Page 22

  • Building Community | Dispatches from the Antioch archives

    For nearly three decades, Antioch College Archivist Scott Sanders has welcomed scores of students, researchers, amateur historians, nostalgic villagers and even small-town journalists to join him on the second floor of the Olive Kettering Library.

  • Yellow Springs business owners denounce plastic ban

    The message from a number of local business owners at a recent town hall was clear: The proposed legislation to restrict commercial single-use plastics is too hasty.

  • Police chief introduces therapy dog

    At the regular Council meeting on Monday, March 6, a new Village staffer was sworn in: two-year old Shazam, the front-running candidate for the Village’s new therapy dog program.

  • Village Council weighs income tax changes

    At their regular meeting on Monday, March 6, Village Council members weighed the impacts of a proposed ordinance that would lower by half the amount of income tax credit granted to individuals who work beyond Yellow Springs and pay taxes in other municipalities, from 100% to 50%.

  • East Palestine train derailment | Village water safe, experts say

    Brown water continues to show up in areas around the village.

    In the five weeks since a freight train carrying hazardous materials derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, concerns about water and air safety have come home to Yellow Springs.

  • Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce ramps up 2023 activities

    Looking ahead to the coming months, the Chamber of Commerce has a jam-packed calendar.

  • Trans rights focus of Xenia protest

    On Saturday, Feb. 25, over 100 demonstrators assembled on opposite sides of the street outside the Xenia YMCA to express their views on the fitness center’s policy that allows transgender people to use the locker room that aligns with their identified gender.

  • Village seeks tenants for 201 Walnut Street

    An open house last week provided nearly two dozen inquiring villagers the opportunity to survey the 88-year-old building and ask Village Manager Josué Salmerón questions about his administration’s intent to lease the structure.

  • Building Community | Meet your mayor

    That Mayor Pam Conine sees the village as one giant classroom should come as little surprise, considering that she was an educator for over four decades.

  • A tale of two pilgrims

    For longtime Yellow Springs residents Diana Glawe and Emily Foubert, the famed Camino de Santiago — Europe’s longest and most storied pilgrimage route — offered lessons in love, loss and letting go.

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