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Articles About Antioch University

  • AUM moves ahead with building sale

    Antioch University is selling its Midwest building, located at 900 Dayton St. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Antioch University is stepping up efforts to sell its Midwest campus building on the western edge of Yellow Springs.

  • Antioch University reaches out digitally

    Michael Burns is finishing his undergraduate degree in creative writing through Antioch University Connected from his home near Phoenix, Ariz., Burns was drawn to Antioch for its legacy of social justice. (Submitted Photo)

    First there was Antioch College. Then came Antioch University and its satellite campuses. Now AU Connected has joined the Antioch universe.

  • AU embraces Peace Corps

    While Jason Rhoades was a student at Michigan Technical Institute in 2006, he joined the Peace Corps and earned graduate school credit working on reforestation and renewable energy projects in Armenia.

  • Antioch University moves to Midwest

    Antioch University offices moved into the AU Midwest building this week. Pictured in front are the administrative staff of both institutions, from left, back row, chair of AUM’s Early Childhood Education program Julie Biddle, Enrollment Management Vice Chancellor Ronald Brown, Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Director Sara Ross, VP of Institutional Advancement Ian Swedish, Library Director Steve Shaw, Marketing Manager Kelly Leff; and front row, School of Education Director Marian Glancy, AUM President Karen Schuster Webb, University Chancellor Felice Nudelman, core faculty member Mary Ann Short, Regional CFO Barbra Stewart, and presidential assistant Jennifer Maynard. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The hallways at Antioch University Midwest rumbled with the sounds of moving furniture, artwork and people this week as the 40 Antioch University administrators formerly located across the street moved into the Midwest building.

  • Transfer ‘celebratory’ for college

    The recent agreement between Antioch College and Antioch University that nullifies the university’s remaining claims to the college campus will allow the college to move ahead with projects that also benefit the Yellow Springs community.

  • Murdock retires as AU chancellor

    Antioch University Chancellor Toni Murdock, who spent six years at the helm, will retire in June, the university announced last week.

  • AAUP: college closing not necessary

    Last weekend the American Association of University Professors, or AAUP, officially voted to sanction Antioch University for infringements of governance standards for actions related to the closing of Antioch College.

  • Antioch University refocuses on adult education

    Under the leadership of Chancellor Toni Murdock, Antioch University spent the past year restructuring the administration of its satellite campuses and learning to function as "a university of one." (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    No longer limited to just the physical campuses, Antioch University is exploring how to increase capacity by making the strengths of each campus available to the university as a whole. Click on the headline to read the story.

  • Winterizing, shutdown of campus to end by November

    The winterization and shutdown processes at the Antioch College campus will be completed by approximately Nov. 1, according to Antioch University Chief Financial Officer Tom Faecke last week.

  • Trustees reject final AC3 offer, Antioch College to close

    In what appears to be the final act of the long, complex and heartwrenching saga around efforts to save Antioch College, the Antioch University Board of Trustees on Thursday, May 8, rejected the offer of the Antioch College Continuation Corporation, or AC3, of almost $16 million to keep the college open.

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