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Articles About Mills Lawn Elementary School :: Page 3

  • First day, second grade

    Mills Lawn second-graders lined up outside the school’s front door on a sunny Friday morning, Aug. 24. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Second-graders line up in front of Mills Lawn School on the first day of school.

  • Can do

    Members of Mills Lawn School Student Council posed after loading onto a flatbed trailer a record haul from this year’s record holiday food drive. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Members of Mills Lawn School Student Council posed after loading onto a flatbed trailer a record haul from this year’s holiday food drive: a total of 2,008 donated items — the goal had been set at 1,500.

  • Walking across America, stopping in Yellow Springs

    Abby Bongaarts, 24, and Danny Finnegan, 23, stopped in Yellow Springs this week as part of their walk across the USA. While in town they visited some kids at Mills Lawn School. (Photos by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Abby Bongaarts, 24, and Danny Finnegan, 23, stopped in Yellow Springs this week as part of their walk across the USA.

  • Yellow Springs School Board— ‘Wheelchair Experience’ at Mills Lawn

    Above, from left, Nick Meister, Tyee Meeks and Ayla Arnold play soccer in sports wheelchairs brought over to the school from the Wright State Office of Recreation. (Photo by Robert Hasek)

    Students from Mills Lawn Elementary School’s fourth-grade classes presented the findings of their recent PBL project, “Wheelchair Experience,” which gave students in the class a better understanding of what school is like for their “wheelchair friends.”

  • Big small steps

    An impressively attended Sister March to the Women's March on Washington, D.C. made its way through Yellow Springs Saturday, Jan. 21. Among the many young, determined marchers, from left, were Oskar Dennis, Malaya Booth and Vivian Bryan. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    At least 250 villagers took to the sidewalks in downtown Yellow Springs last Saturday, Jan. 21, marching in solidarity with the Women’s March on Washington and hundreds of other marches around the country and world.

  • A taste of winter

    At least three inches of snow fell in the area Tuesday, Dec. 13, causing the first winter havoc.

  • Big debate, big screen at Little Art

    The house was packed Monday night at the Little Art Theatre for a Debate Watch Party presented in partnership with ThinkTV, Channel 16, the local PBS affiliate. Viewers at the free event watched a live stream of the historic presidential debate as it unfolded at Hofstra University in Long Island, N.Y., variously responding to the candidates’ pronouncements with jeers or applause. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    A live stream of the candidates’ debate at Long Island’s Hoftra University and the Little Art’s programming leading up to it were presented through a partnership with ThinkTV, Channel 16, the Dayton-based PBS affiliate.

  • Mills Lawn School ‘Buddy bench’ project ensures a place for everyone

    Kindergartners Zane, Maddy, Lian and Gracie seemed to prove the point of the newly installed Buddy Bench on the Mills Lawn School playground recently. The bench was constructed by students as a PBL project from wood of one of the many recently felled ash trees. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    A group of students at Mills Lawn School installed a new feature on the K–2 playground recently that they anticipate will help their classmates enjoy a happier and friendlier recess time.

  • Mills Lawn School third-graders learn to be citizens

    Members of Ms. Peg Morgan’s third-grade class at Mills Lawn School recently spent two months on a project-based learning, or PBL, project focused on local government and citizenship. Shown above are, front row from left, Morris Wyatt, Sam Gilley, Claire Lewis, Cole Oberg, Katie Quigley, and Sophie Tatman. In the middle, Lacey Longshaw, Tegan Hays, Ayla Arnold, Brady Clark, Tiger Collins and Miles Gilchrist. And in the back row, Liliana Herzog, Kenji Housh, Quinn Creighton, Kanon Flatt, Elyse Lytle, Avry Bell-Arment and Ms. Morgan. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Students in Ms. Morgan’s third-grade class at Mills Lawn came upon several surprises as they studied local government during the past two months.

  • Protecting kids from Internet danger

    Dr. Jennie Noll of Penn State University’s Network on Child Protection and Wellbeing will speak on the dangers of Internet-initiated abuse and ways parents can help their kids stay safe online at a free talk 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 15, at the Antioch College Wellness Center South Gym. (Submitted Photo)

    Professor and researcher Dr. Jennie Noll will address issues of Internet safety for children at a free talk 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 15, at the Antioch College Wellness Center South Gym.

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