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Articles About Village Council :: Page 19

  • Solar ‘canopy’ eyed for parking lot

    Initial plans call for a solar canopy at the John Bryan Community Center. The covered pavilion would feature a solar roof with at least a 200-kilowatt capacity, with vehicle parking and event space underneath.

  • Local COVID-19 response— Village steps up enforcement

    As the third wave of the coronavirus rages through the state and county, the Village of Yellow Springs is cracking down on behaviors that could further spread COVID-19 in town.

  • Village Council— Budget to ‘burn through’ reserves

    There’s money to spend, but not for long. That was the message from Village of Yellow Springs officials, who plan to dip into reserves to cover $1 million in deficit spending next year.

  • Village of YS— Free Wi-Fi downtown coming

    The Village of Yellow Springs is providing free Wi-Fi access downtown for a year in a pilot project that could eventually lead to community-owned broadband internet available throughout town.

  • Council OKs land use plan

    At its Monday, Oct. 19, virtual meeting, Village Council unanimously approved a new comprehensive plan, which will guide the Village’s development and land use decisions through 2030.

  • Comprehensive Land Use Plan— Road map to future growth

    Public feedback has emphasized the need for a broader economic base, more diversity of housing types and prices and municipal broadband, among other priorities.

  • Village Council— Apartments, businesses must recycle

    Local apartment complex and commercial property owners must offer recycling services to their tenants, Village Council decided at its Sept. 21 regular meeting, held virtually.

  • Land annexation moves ahead

    Council began the process of annexing 34 acres of land on the south end of the Village at its virtual meeting on Monday, Sept. 21.

  • Village eyes more recycling options

    The Rumpke recycling facility outside of Cincinnati processes up to 55 tons of recyclables per day. The incoming materials are sorted by hand, then sorted further through a series of complicated mechanical processes. The Green Environmental Coalition recently organized a tour of the recycling center and landfill. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Garbage and recycling collection rates are set to rise, and maybe more than usual. That’s because the Village is considering supplemental recycling options for the community.

  • South end development— Council considers land annex

    At its Sept. 8 regular meeting, Village Council considered an annexation agreement to add close to 34 acres of land on the Village’s southern border for a residential development with potentially more than 200 housing units.

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