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Articles About Village Council :: Page 21

  • Yellow Springs Village Council mandates masks downtown

    At a special meeting on Wednesday, July 8, Council passed several new laws to improve the safety of downtown Yellow Springs in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. The most significant was an ordinance that requires masks downtown.

  • Village Council — Village projects revenue loss

    The Village of Yellow Springs is planning for a possible loss of $320,000 in tax revenue due to the COVID-19 crisis and its related economic impacts.

  • Yellow Springs leaders gather to coordinate COVID-19 response

    Local leaders gathered Friday morning, March 13, to share information and preparedness plans and begin to coordinate a unified response to the evolving coronavirus situation in Ohio.

  • Laura Curliss wins third Council seat

    Laura Curliss is the third winner in the Nov. 5 election for three open Village Council seats, according to the Greene County Board of Elections’ final official results, which were certified on Tuesday, Nov. 19.

  • Council reviews YSPD assessment

    In recent weeks, Council members and Village staff have responded to Wasserman’s 50-page report. And, by phone earlier this month, Wasserman summarized his findings.

  • New candidates, new ideas

    Laura Curliss and Jim Johnson are hoping to be elected to their first terms on Village Council.

  • Busy first month for new village manager Salmeron

    New Village Manager Josue Salmeron, pictured here in his office, has had a busy first month on the job. “You realize you have so may things going on, so many things to address,” he said. “It takes your breath away.” (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    As new Village Manager Salmeron concluded his first month on the job, he sat down with this Yellow Springs News reporter to talk about his activities and priorities for the village. 

  • Council makes offer to VM candidate

    The four finalists for Yellow Springs Village manager visited town last week for a three-day whirlwind of tours, meetings, presentations and interviews. On Wednesday, April 10, the candidates met with community leaders for roundtable discussions over lunch in Birch Hall at Antioch College. Clockwise from top left, Antioch College President Tom Manley listened to candidate Allyson Murray; Lisa Abel jotted down notes while candidate Pete Bales spoke; villager Pan Reich and candidate Elke Doom looked on; Scott Osterholm watched as candidate Josue Salmon answered a question. Council made an offer to an unidentified candidate this week. (Photos by Megan Bachman)

    Yellow Springs may soon have a new Village manager.After four finalists for the position visited town last week, Village Council has made an offer to one of the candidates, the News confirmed this week.

  • Village Council— Sidewalk fix moves ahead

    The Village of Yellow Springs will test out a new way to fix sidewalk trip hazards, Council decided at its Sept. 4 meeting.

  • Bike trail connector plans on a roll

    A long-envisioned bike path connecting the villages of Yellow Springs and Clifton shifted up a gear recently.

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