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Articles About architecture

  • ‘Hidden in Plain Site’ exhibition opens at former Baptist church

    A painting, created by Bronx-based artist Rafaela Santos — with a simple color palette of reds, blues, whites and blacks — draws the eyes immediately when walking into the newly completed architecture studio, Crome Yellow Springs, formerly the church home of the predominately African American First Baptist Church.

  • Village seeks tenants for 201 Walnut Street

    An open house last week provided nearly two dozen inquiring villagers the opportunity to survey the 88-year-old building and ask Village Manager Josué Salmerón questions about his administration’s intent to lease the structure.

  • Crome Architecture brings new life to old church

    Max Crome is nearing completion designing and renovating an architecture studio located at the former site of the predominantly African American First Baptist Church.

  • The architecture of a village

    The edifices that line the central throughways in the heart of the village form a patchwork of design and structure. The structures are quirky, asymmetrical and kaleidoscopic in color — the squat skyline, seldom rising above two stories, is jagged and sundry.

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