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Articles About utilities

  • Village Council plans utility increases

    The ordinances include new proposals for rates, which would increase steadily over the course of five years — 3% per year for electricity, 5% per year for sewer and 8% per year for water.

  • Village seeks revenue through rate, utility hikes

    Brown water continues to show up in areas around the village.

    During the first regular Village Council meeting of the year, held in person on Tuesday, Jan. 3, Council members reviewed several prospects for bringing additional monies into the Village’s general fund, thereby softening the blow of the year’s projected $2.9 million budget deficit.

  • Village Council approves utility rate increases

    The soon-to-be-retired utility pole illuminated against the night sky by work lights (Photo by Matt Minde)

    At its most recent regular meeting June 21, Village Council unanimously passed a flurry of emergency legislation adjusting the tap-in fees for water, sewer and electric utilities.

  • ‘I’m your meter reader’

    In the year since she was hired by the Village of Yellow Springs, Rose Pelzl has become a friendly, knowledgeable force for accurate and timely readings of villagers’ water meters

  • Yellow Springs Utility funds show deficits

    At their Feb. 3 meeting, Village Council members heard that, in the projected 2014 Village budget, most of the Village enterprise (or utility) funds — the water fund, sewer fund and solid waste funds — show deficit spending.

  • 2010 projects may include zoning update

    A zoning code update. Safety improvements and upgrades for the skate park. Energy improvements for Village buildings.

  • Plug pulled on power plant

    The Village made what some would call a wise and prescient decision last year when it declined to sign on to the coal-fired power plant American Municipal Power, Inc. planned to build along the Ohio River. AMP announced last week on Nov. 25 that it was terminating the AMPGS project due to a spike in construction cost estimates that rendered the project unaffordable for its customers.

  • Saving the planet, a house at a time

    Most people want their homes to be more energy efficient, Bob Brecha and Dan Rudolf believe, but they just don’t know how to make the needed changes. “People don’t know where to start,” Brecha said in a recent interview.

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