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Arts Section :: Page 72

  • “Godspell” starts tonight

    The Yellow Springs Theater Company will perform “Godspell” this weekend and next.

  • Put your coloring skills to work for the YS Arts Council

    The YS Arts Council invites community members to use this coloring page to submit their own design for the building's exterior.

    The YS Arts Council Gallery is looking to give its building exterior a makeover, and is giving villagers a chance to offer up their own ideas.

  • Kids learn old school hip hop moves

    A new six-week session of classes at YS Hip Hop starts soon.

  • Free healing drum workshop for women

    A free workshop exploring percussion, song, and circle as a healing force for self and community will be offered this weekend.

  • #ysgram show focuses on the local

    A photo by Amy Hable of the tools of mural making in Kieth’s Alley, shown above, is one of many local images on display beginning Friday, March 20, at the #ysgram exhibit at the YSAC Gallery on Corry Street. The exhibit, which contains photos of local scenes by seven village photographers originally shown on Instagram, opens with a reception from 6 to 9 p.m. this Friday. (Instagram photo by Amy Hable)

    Organizers of the #ysgram, the new show at the Yellow Springs Arts Council Gallery, want to offer villagers an opportunity to see familiar local sights in new ways.

  • Snap a selfie with Jesus and Pilate

    Stars of “Jesus Christ Superstar,” Barry Dennen and Ted Neeley, will visit Yellow Springs for screenings of the film March 27–29 at the Little Art Theatre where they will answer questions and sign autographs. Dennen, left, played Pontius Pilate in the 1973 film; Neeley was in the role of Jesus. (Submitted photo)

    Just in time for Easter, locals will have the chance to snap a selfie with Jesus and Pontius Pilate. The stars who portrayed the Biblical figures in the 1973 film “Jesus Christ Superstar” will attend a weekend of screenings at the Little Art Theatre, March 27–29.

  • West Side Story opens tonight

    Yellow Springs High School presents the spring musical “West Side Story” this weekend and next at the Antioch College Foundry Theater.

  • Actor Ted Neeley talks ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’

    Barry Dennen, as Pilate, places the crown of thorns on the head of Ted Neeley, as Jesus in a stage revival of "Jesus Christ Superstar." Both Dennen and Neeley will be in Yellow Springs March 27–29 for screenings of the film and Q&A at the Little Art.

    The Little Art Theatre will host screenings of classic 1973 rock opera film “Jesus Christ Superstar” Friday through Sunday, March 27–29.

  • Photo exhibit shows Meredith Dallas in Selma march

    Villager Patti Dallas was surprised to find a photo of her father, Meredith, in a photo exhibit of the 1965 civil rights march in Selma, Ala., in an Asheville, N.C., photo exhibit of the work of James Barker.

  • News wins top state award for 5th year

    The Yellow Springs News won Newspaper of the Year, the top award in its size category, at yesterday’s annual convention of the Ohio Newspaper Association.

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