Arts Section :: Page 71
Villager to read poems about concentration camp
Villager Luisa Owen will read original poems in German on Friday, June 5, at the Epic Book Shop.
Sixth grade photojournalism project on diversity at AUM
The Mills Lawn School sixth grade photojournalism project on diversity is on display at the north hallway at Antioch University Midwest Wednesday, 7 p.m.
Fundraiser for Schumacher
The Emporium will host Devil’s Backbone playing a fundraiser for local musician Carl Schumacher on Friday, May 1, 7–10 p.m.
Seitz organizes concert
Yellow Springs High School senior Joshua Seitz didn’t adore playing music when in fourth grade he started taking piano lessons, along with his father and older brother.
Winds groups vie at Sunday’s CMYS final concert
Two winds groups will vie this Sunday, April 26, in the 30th annual Chamber Music Yellow Springs competition finals.
Foundry Theater hard stage to share
Since Foundry Theater reopened last summer after its first renovation since the 1980s, the black box at Antioch College has been busy.
Writer Kent Nelson to read
Writer Kent Nelson will read from his work this Tuesday, April 21 at 7 p.m. at the Glen Helen Building.
Women’s voices out loud
More than 20 local women sang, danced, told stories and read poems at the 36th Annual Women’s Voices Out Loud performance on Saturday. This year’s event was held at the Foundry Theater, its third location in as many years, and also featured an exhibit of artwork by local women.
‘Godspell’ sings of community
“Godspell,” with its focus on Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness, will come to Yellow Springs this weekend and next, April 3, 4, 10 and 11 at 7:30 p.m. and April 5 and 12 at 3 p.m. at the Mills Lawn gym.
Village artists all in one place
People often call the Yellow Springs Arts Council looking for artists who do specific kinds of work: an instructor who teaches African dance, for instance, or a sculptor who does commissioned work, or a property owner who will lease studio space to a musician.
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