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Arts Section :: Page 85

  • Harmony Rain Barrel Project

    Three wonderfully painted rain barrels from a Nevada town, who has been doing a similar project for 5 years to help raise money for low income families to enjoy children's programs at their local zoo.

    The Harmony Rain Barrel project will help fund the 2014 Human Relation Commission’s Learning/Sharing Mental Health Series. Deadline for artists to submit their ideas is quickly approaching!

  • Street poets come inside to jam

    There are many types of poems you might hear if you stumble into the Yellow Springs Community Poetry Jam on Friday night, where four local street poets are moving their acts inside for a “free-flowing evening” of poetry, music, improvisation and more.

  • Local wood-fired work to open at the Winds

    Locally made and wood fired plateware adorns the walls at the Winds Cafe through December.

  • 10-Minute shorts to hit the stage this weekend

    Miriam Eckenrode, Marcia Nowik and Howard Shook were three of the local actors who performed in The Cherry Orchard last spring at the Presbyterian Church. An enthusiastic reception for the play is one reason that theater-lovers in town, led by Kay Reimers, are gathering this Saturday, Aug. 13, to discuss re-activating Center Stage theater. The event takes place at 7 p.m. in the garden behind the Arts Council space at Oten Gallery. (Submitted photo by Virgil Hervey)

    The third annual Yellow Springs 10-Minute Play Festival will be held on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 22 and 23, starting at 8 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. This year’s event features eight original plays by local playwrights, local actors and directors. The writers and directors include Virgil Hervey, Jerry Holt, Aaron Saari, Jerry Boswell, Kayla Graham, Lee Huntington and Kay Reimers. […]

  • Street poets put on Poetry Jam

    A group of local street poets are moving their acts inside for a “free-flowing evening” of poetry, music, improvisation at the Yellow Springs Community Poetry Jam on Friday, Nov. 22.

  • Art & Soul kicks off holiday shopping

    The annual juried art fair Art & Soul returns to kick off the local holiday shopping season from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16, at Mills Lawn.

  • YSAC reception for Verdon, Dadras­— Two artistic takes on humanity

    Local painters Parviz Dadras, left, and Thomas Verdon share the gallery at the Yellow Springs Arts Council with exhibits that run through Dec. 1. Both longtime Yellow Springers turned to painting full time later in life and explore human nature through portraits. But Verdon, whose art is visible on the right, uses classical painting techniques, while Dadras incorporates symbolism in his works, which can be seen on the left. An opening reception for the exhibits will be from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 15, with a talk from Verdon starting at 7 p.m. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Two local artists are proof that it’s never too late to be what you might have been.

  • Opening reception and gallery talk, Fri., Nov. 15

    The Yellow Springs Arts Council Gallery will display an exhibit featuring classical drawings and paintings by the two local artists. An opening reception and gallery talk will be held Friday, Nov. 15, 6–9 p.m.

  • The 2013–14 Guide To Yellow Springs online

    The health and wellness-themed 2013-14 Guide To Yellow Springs is the largest yet, at 72 pages.

    The online edition of the Yellow Springs News’ 2013–14 Guide To Yellow Springs.

  • Yellow Springs Bronze Sculpture Symposium — going on this week and next

    Yesterday was the kick-off to the Bronze Sculpture Symposium! The Symposium will have events just about everyday for the next 2 weeks.

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