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Arts Section :: Page 86

  • Clay, straw take center stage at Glen Helen

    Beth Holyoke and Käthi Seidl add the finishing touch to their clay woman that sits outside the Glen Helen Building where their artwork is on display. The ‘Clay!’ exhibit continues through November 3. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Whenever Beth Holyoke begins planning a new exhibit for her artwork, she considers how the work will interact with the larger exhibit space.

  • Wayfaring the Village of Yellow Springs

    The health and wellness-themed 2013-14 Guide To Yellow Springs is the largest yet, at 72 pages.

    If this week’s edition of the Yellow Springs News seems, well, a little thick in the middle, it’s because enclosed within are whopping 72 pages of anything and everything about Yellow Springs.

  • Theremin master to perform at the Glen Auditorium

    Master Theremin player and experimental electronic musician Eric Ross will performs at Antioch College Amphitheatre Monday evening. (Photo from

    Eric Ross, master Theremin player, will present his unique blend of classical, serial, jazz, electronic and avant-garde music on Monday October 7th, at 8:30 p.m., at the Glen Auditorium because of the weather.

  • Concert to benefit Senior Center

    Pianist Sam Reich will perform at a fund-raiser for the Senior Center on Sunday, Oct. 6, at 3:30 p.m.

  • Little Art celebrates grand re-opening in Yellow Springs

    Little Art Theatre Executive Director Jenny Cowperthwaite welcomes theatergoers into the new lobby of the renovated theater, which will be open to the community during an open house from 3 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28. During the first complete renovation in the Little Art’s 84-year history, the theater was closed for the last five months and upgraded with a digital projector and surround-sound system, new cushioned seats, handicapped-accessible bathrooms and a spacious lobby, among other changes. After the open house, the theater begins a 12-day “Back to the Movies” film festival. Regular programming resumes on Friday, Oct. 11. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    To showcase its half-million dollar, five-month makeover, the Little Art will hold an open house and grand reopening from 3 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 28, with free films, live music and dancing, free popcorn and more.

  • Yellow Springs Pottery anniversary— 40 years of spinning wheels

    In February, Yellow Springs Pottery, a local artists’ cooperative, achieved a milestone of 40 years in business. A celebration party for its 10 members and their spouses was held at the Glen House Inn, featuring an afternoon swim, sushi by the pool, a tour of Glenn Owen’s art studio and a catered dinner, followed by a trivia contest. Yellow Springs Pottery members are, from back left, Evelyn LaMers, Kim Kramer, Jane Hockensmith-Reich, Eliza Bush, Janet Murie; front row, Jerry Davis, Justin Teilhet, David Hergesheimer and Marcia Cochran. Not pictured is Michele Dutcher. A pottery-making demonstration on Sunday, Sept. 22, and sale will conclude the anniversary celebration. (Submitted Photo)

    While it’s true that when it opened in 1973, Yellow Springs Pottery may have sold a few more fad items, the overall popularity of the co-op’s handcrafted ceramic tableware has endured.

  • Center Stage opens “Threepenny Opera” this weekend in Yellow Springs

    Center Stage’s production of the 1920s Bertholt Brecht musical The Threepenny Opera opens for a two-weekend run with a public dress rehearsal on Friday, Sept. 27, at the 8 p.m. at the John Bryan Community Center. The show continues on Saturday and Sunday and on the following weekend, Oct. 4–6.

  • A sea change for trash as jelly art

    Antioch College hosts an exhibit of jellyfish swimming in an unusually academic environment.

  • Yellow Springs Pottery celebrates 40 years with live demos

    In February, Yellow Springs Pottery, a local artists’ cooperative, achieved a milestone of 40 years in business. A celebration party for its 10 members and their spouses was held at the Glen House Inn, featuring an afternoon swim, sushi by the pool, a tour of Glenn Owen’s art studio and a catered dinner, followed by a trivia contest. Yellow Springs Pottery members are, from back left, Evelyn LaMers, Kim Kramer, Jane Hockensmith-Reich, Eliza Bush, Janet Murie; front row, Jerry Davis, Justin Teilhet, David Hergesheimer and Marcia Cochran. Not pictured is Michele Dutcher. A pottery-making demonstration on Sunday, Sept. 22, and sale will conclude the anniversary celebration. (Submitted photo)

    Local artist co-op store Yellow Springs Pottery celebrates its 40th year of business with a pottery sale and live pottery demonstrations on Sunday, Sept. 22., at the store.

  • Yellow Springs bus travels for music

    The Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra in 2010 when they celebrated their 75th anniversary.

    Bus excursions to the Dayton Philharmonic and Springfield Symphony, a 36-year village tradition, will continue this year.

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