Arts Section :: Page 87
Corner Cone hosts fundraiser concert with YSKP and friends
YS Kids Playhouse will host a fundraiser concert this weekend with guest musicians from Yellow Springs and beyond.
Yellow Springs artists host straw bale and earthen plaster workshop
On Saturday, Sept. 7 and Sunday, September 8, Beth Holyoke and Käthi Seidl will host a hands-on straw bale and earthen plaster workshop at the Antioch Farm. The event, which will result in a semi-permanent bench for the property, gives participants an opportunity to learn more about the structural and artistic aspects of working with straw bale and plaster.
Blues Fest kicks off in Yellow Springs
The 16th annual AACW Blues/Jazz/Gospel Fest takes place this weekend from Aug. 22 through Aug. 25.
Art to wear in “Bling” show
Jewelry has adorned the human body for 100,000 years as a way to ward off evil spirits, signify religious affiliation and more. It’s also wearable art, and since walking around with an armful of paintings can be cumbersome, donning jewelry is a better way to show off one’s artwork in public. That’s one reason Yellow […]
The 16th annual AACW Blues Fest— Blues, jazz and gospel to reign
A blues singer from Uruguay will make her first appearance at this year’s AACW Blues, Jazz and Gospel Fest, to take place Aug. 22 through 25 at the Antioch College amphitheatre. The singer, Virginia Martinez, contacted Blues Fest organizers because she’d heard of the event and wanted to perform, according to Karen Patterson. When Patterson […]
Free movie at the Senior Center
While the Little Art Theatre has it’s doors closed for renovations, the Senior Center will show a movie on Friday evenings.
Yellow Springs Art on the Lawn celebrates 30 years
The first Village Artisans invitational art show 30 years ago wasn’t on a lawn, but in a yard — King’s Yard to be exact. “Art in the Yard” featured the work of about eight local artists, along with some folk music, and was more exhibition than art sale.
Get some Bling! at latest YSAC exhibit
The Yellow Springs Arts Council Gallery’s latest exhibition is the eclectic, handcrafted art jewelry of seven Ohio jewelry artists, all available for purchase.
Multicultural choir begins rehearsals, seeks new members
The World House Choir will hold six rehearsals in preparation for two upcoming September performances. Rehearsals will be held Mondays, Aug. 12, 19 and 26, Tuesday, Sept. 3, and Mondays, Sept. 9 and 16. Free child care will be available at rehearsals. The choir will perform on Sunday, Sept. 8 at Urbana University as part […]
Sculptors go for the bronze in the Yellow Springs Experience
An ancient method of casting bronze sculpture that was revived 90 years ago at Antioch College is returning to the campus and community.
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