Arts Section :: Page 84
Friends concert for a special camp
Several Friends Music Camp alumni and instructors will perform at its Winter Benefit Concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 29, at the Yellow Springs Senior Center, to support need-based scholarships and tuition reductions at the annual youth summer music camp.
Antioch College arts faculty exhibit— Creating art with time and spaces
A current of artistic energy is circulating on the Antioch College campus these days with spontaneous artwork from students and experimental art from faculty and resident scholars.
Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse calls on alums for feedback
Ever wonder what happened to Dick Tracey, Homer Price, Frankenstein and James Bond? So does Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse, which hopes to reconnect with some 1,200 alumni from past shows to learn more about the impact of YSKP on their lives.
Piano and violin ring out at benefit for Yellow Springs Senior Center
Local pianist Sam Reich and violinist Anyango Yarbo-Davenport will present a benefit concert at the Senior Center on Sunday, Dec. 22 at 3:30 p.m.
Clifton opens new art gallery
Local artists held an art opening last weekend to inaugurate Clifton’s new art gallery in the current town hall building.
Bit of the Big Easy in Yellow Springs
There’s a new sound to be heard around the halls of the Yellow Springs High School thanks to the recently formed street band Sassabrass.
Antioch art faculty exhibit edgy work at Herndon
Antioch’s five art faculty members, along with resident scholars, are showing off their latest work at an exhibition at the Herndon Gallery through mid-February.
A doctor of strings and theory
As a professor of mathematics and the son of a consummate craftsman, local resident Ray Lewkowicz had the temperament, breeding and just the right amount of curiosity to become an instrument maker.
Mills Lawn School band and orchestra concert
Over 100 students took to their instruments or wound up their vocal chords in a spectacular Mills Lawn School band and orchestra concert under the tutelage and leadership of new music director Brian Mayer.
A tree for wishes, community
Beginning in late August, villagers may have noticed that a tree next to the train station was growing ribbons along with its leaves. Upon closer inspection, the ribbons reveal themselves to be wishes.
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