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Economy Section :: Page 39

  • Ohio Brass & Electric to play Home, Inc. benefit

    Ohio Brass & Electric, a new local 11-piece horn band will play at the Home, Inc. benefit “Springs Soiree” on Friday, May 3.

  • Little Art Theatre to screen final 35mm films

    This weekend the Little Art Theatre will put on the “Last Reel Film Festival” featuring 35mm films before closing for three months for a complete renovation.

  • Opinions mixed over zoning update

    While the phrase “zoning code” is not known to inspire enthusiasm, it lies at the heart of how land is used in the village, a topic that sparks strong opinions.

    “As became very clear to me on my first five years on Council, land–use decisions bring out the passion in Yellow Springers!” Council member Lori Askeland wrote in a recent email. “And that passion is because people care deeply about this place.”

  • Last week for winter market

    If you get there early you can buy greens and eggs for your ham.

  • Enviroflight in the spotlight

    As part of his state-wide tour to celebrate Ohio Agriculture Week, Ohio Department of Agriculture Director David Daniels on Thursday visited Enviroflight, the local producer of an animal feed made from bugs.

  • Living well in a tiny house

    If you close your eyes before entering Alex Melamed and Allison Paul’s new Walnut Street home, then open your eyes once inside, you might not realize you’re in a tiny home. The high-ceilinged, light-filled living room feels spacious, with a kitchen on one end and a bed, out of sight, in the loft above.

  • Springs Motel turns over keys

    The charm of the little roadside motel that attracted Eric Clark 10 years ago has hooked a new buyer with an eye for potential. Kat Krehbiel purchased the Springs Motel last week and has plans for its continued revival, possibly including a new place to eat on the south end of town. But to start out, Krehbiel’s main hope is to keep her first motel business alive and well.

  • Forget Park Place; buy Antioch

    A local version of the 80-year-old fast-dealing property trading game of Monopoly is coming to Yellow Springs. Envisioned as a way to promote the town, its businesses, non-profits and quirky culture, an informal group of merchants and villagers designed a local Monopoly board game over the last few months.

  • Planning Commission— How small is too small for a home in town?

    How small is too small for a house in Yellow Springs? That question was one of several considered by the Village Planning Commission at a special Jan. 23 meeting as they reviewed the proposed revision of the Village zoning code.

  • Creative Memories building— Auctioneer offers purchase

    The Antioch Company drafted a contract last week to sell its facility on East Enon Road to International Auction and Appraisal Services Worldwide, an industrial auctioneer and property manager based in Shrewsbury, Pa.

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