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Economy Section :: Page 43

  • Food carts allowed, but with rules

    Foodcarts must now follow regulations which include not obstructing sightlines to existing businesses. (YS News filephoto)

    The “French fry truck” will no longer enjoy prime frontage along Xenia Avenue downtown. It was ordered not to “obstruct access or sightlines” to other businesses.

  • Senior housing off, for now

    An effort to build affordable senior housing on the Barr property downtown was thwarted last month when the project was denied its request for 2012 federal tax credits. However, project organizers consider the set-back only a delay, as they plan to re-apply in 2013.

  • Survive it, from the A-bomb to zombies

    Springs Survival Store owner Stan Hiner explains the unbeatable utility of dehydrated vegetable protein and a self-filtering water bottle in the event of an emergency. Both can be purchased at the new business, located behind Kings Yard in the former tie dye shop space. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Are you ready for the big one? Dorothy’s tornado? The earthquake that finally hits the Midwest fault? Springs Survival is your next stop — don’t make it be your last.

  • Council eyes economic plan

    Village Council members at their April 2 meeting heard a review of the recent Economic Sustainability Plan by several members of the Village Economic Sustainability Commission.

  • Yoga Springs stretches to Springfield

    Starting its eighth year, Yoga Springs is expanding into Springfield, with a new studio in the Bushnell building downtown. Shown above in the studio is business owner Monica Hasek. Yoga Springs is offering free yoga classes on the hour at its Springfield studio this Saturday, April 14, as a grand opening event. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Yoga Springs is now 8 years old and stretching out into a new old space at the heart of downtown Springfield.

  • Dining a la cart in village

    Last week Mindy and Patrick Harney, former owners of Brother Bear’s Coffeehouse, set up their Lot Dogs food cart at the corner of U.S. 68 and Corry Street, in the parking lot of the Dragon Tree. They plan to sell beef, turkey and veggie dogs most days from about 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Theirs is one of several food carts that have begun appearing downtown. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    New eateries are popping up all over Yellow Springs this spring, but don’t expect to sit down for dinner. The vendors are mobile, and so are their patrons, who have no trouble walking, talking and eating their cheesy hot dogs and fresh-cut fries on the street.

  • Creative Memories closes YS shop

    Creative Memories will close its Yellow Springs manufacturing plant at the end of April, concluding The Antioch Company’s 86-year presence in the village.

  • Brother Bear and Mindy take to the streets with hotdogs

    Mobile food vendors have been popping up around downtown Yellow Springs adding a festival look all year round.

  • MillWorks a home to business

    The local business park MillWorks recently hosted a gathering of its tenants for a potluck and tour.

  • Your one-stop shop to be the fittest that survive

    Springs Survival store opened recently behind Kings Yard and offers a host of gear and supplies for backpacking and emergency preparedness.

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