Feature Photos Section :: Page 16
Spring time
Despite near-freezing temperatures at the surface, groundwater continued to bubble out at the village’s namesake on Saturday, Feb. 15, spawning icicles and other icy formations on frigid rocks.
Ten and under
Johnathan Stillwell, Kayla Graham and Troy Lindsey perform in the comedy “Sultry,” written by villager Anthony Fife, in the 2020 10-Minute Play Festival.
Chili con carnival
Stella Lieff stirred her savory entry at “Blue Stew,” a chili cook-off/talent show on Sunday, Feb. 2.
Running water
While on a run earlier this month, local photographer Kathleen Galarza captured the movement of water in the Little Miami River by using a long exposure.
Suns past and present
Summer’s long gone, but the seed head of a large sunflower was still beautifully intact — and observing its own shadow — at Agraria this week.
Swearing in public
New Village Council member Laura Curliss was sworn in at Council’s first meeting of the year on Monday, Jan. 6, by Yellow Springs Mayor Pam Conine.
The Gaunt that keeps on giving
A village tradition since 1894, the annual delivery of flour and sugar to local widows and widowers continued again this year — a stipulation in Wheeling Gaunt’s will.
Light walk: a one-time village tradition is revived
Villagers Sommer McGuire and Lisa Kreeger caroled from Kings Yard to the downtown Christmas tree during the first annual Luminary Walk and Community Carol on Saturday evening, Dec. 14.
Whirlwind of a weekend
The weekend of Dec. 13–15 was particularly laden with events.
Serving Seniors: the 2019 YSHS Senior Citizens Lunch
Yellow Springs High School hosted its annual Senior Citizens luncheon on Thursday, Dec. 5, in the high school gym.
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