Feature Photos Section :: Page 26
C’mon and dance!
The annual Senior Center flash mob dance on Wednesday, May 30 on Short St drew participants from both the Senior Center and the Children’s Center.
Heroic collaboration
Many projects were on display at McKinney Middle School and YSHS Project-Based Learning Exhibition Night on Wednesday, May 16.
Right on track
For the first time in history, both the McKinney School boys and girls track and field teams won the Metro Buckeye Conference (MBC) championships, held last weekend at Cedarville University.
The audacity of dandelions
Dandelions: probably the most-hated cheerful flower.
Station stop
Secretary Perdue flanked by the MTFR staff.
Matters of the mind
“Mind Matters: Confronting Stigma of Mental Illness”
Outside in
Photos by Yellow Springs Police Officer Luciana Lieff are currently on display at S & G Artisan Distillery.
A day at the museum
As the finale to their recent studies of African-American history, Mills Lawn School second-graders tied the past with the present via a “living museum,” and an all-school assembly.
Square meal
This year’s YSHS/McKinney Annual Chili Cook-off had a special twist — and turn — for patrons, namely square dancing.
Democracy afoot
A crowd of several thousand people converged on Courthouse Square in downtown Dayton last Saturday, Jan. 20, for the second annual Dayton Women’s March.
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