
From The Print Section :: Page 255

  • Board eyes school enrollment

    Fewer students are leaving the Yellow Springs school district to attend other area school settings than in the past couple of years, but the number is still of concern.

  • Village Council— Blacks get more citations

    African-American villagers received citations from the YSPD at a significantly higher rate than to white villagers, according to a statistical study of local police data sponsored by the Justice System Task Force.

  • From VYS to the NYT

    Yellow Springs native Monica Drake, a New York Times journalist, was recently promoted to assistant managing editor, a position that appears on the venerable paper’s masthead. She will oversee new digital features and products for the paper. She traces her love of writing to her childhood in Yellow Springs. (Submitted photo)

    In early December, the New York Times elevated Yellow Springs native Monica Drake to its masthead as an assistant managing editor who will oversee the paper’s new digital features and projects.

  • Can do

    Members of Mills Lawn School Student Council posed after loading onto a flatbed trailer a record haul from this year’s record holiday food drive. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Members of Mills Lawn School Student Council posed after loading onto a flatbed trailer a record haul from this year’s holiday food drive: a total of 2,008 donated items — the goal had been set at 1,500.

  • Dig it.

    Last Thursday, Dec. 14, Village leaders assembled for the groundbreaking ceremony for Cresco Labs, which has begun construction on a new facility for the cultivation of medical marijuana. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Last Thursday, Dec. 14, Village leaders assembled for the groundbreaking ceremony for Cresco Labs, which has begun construction on a new facility for the cultivation of medical marijuana.

  • Bill Felker’s new book offers riches of home

    Local almanac writer Bill Felker recently published a new book, “Home Is the Prime Meridian,” a collection of nature essays drawn from his News columns and elsewhere. Pictured here in his greenhouse with a bound version of his daybook, Felker recalled how his wife’s gift of a barometer in 1972 got him started on observing weather patterns and other natural phenomena. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Camel crickets in the tub. Robinsong and its absence. A koi pond in winter. Hepatica, violet cress, bloodroot, Virginia bluebells. The “iconography” of light on a wall. Memories of adolescent devotion in a Catholic seminary. All of these subjects illuminate local almanac writer Bill Felker’s new book.

  • Wheels of fortune

    Shaylee Smith rolls with light ghosts, an artifact of the photo time exposure and disco lighting. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    The YSHS gymnasium was converted over the weekend into a pay-to-skate roller rink, the senior project of Aza Hurwitz and Jonah Trillana, who conceived of the fundraiser that the school might purchase roller skates of its own.

  • James P. ’Jim‘ Gray

    James P. “Jim” Gray

    James P. “Jim” Gray, age 76, passed away Wednesday morning, Dec. 13, 2017, at IU Health University Hospital in Indianapolis.

  • Grace Marie Funderburg

    Grace Marie Funderburg

    Grace Marie Funderburg, age 93, of Yellow Springs, passed away peacefully on Monday, Dec. 18, 2017, at Friends Care Center.

  • A bittersweet departure from Council

    Village Council President Karen Wintrow will step down at the end of December. She’s served on Council three four-year terms, or 12 years. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    It feels bittersweet to Council President Karen Wintrow to step down after 12 years on Council. Especially, she’ll miss the relationships with Village staff and her colleagues on Council.

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