
From The Print Section :: Page 611

  • College honors Freedom Summer

    Reflecting the historic Antioch College emphasis on social justice, the revived Antioch College is sponsoring a series of events this summer focusing on the civil rights movement, especially Freedom Summer in 1964.

  • Looking at Yellow Springs through our elders’ eyes

    In 1999 local filmmaker Patti Dallas produced “A Portrait of Yellow Springs Through the Eyes of Our Elders,” a documentary for which she interviewed 17 individuals aged 75 and older. The elders spoke to themes such as the village’s early history, local resources such as Glen Helen and Antioch College, and the landmarks of Yellow Springs.

  • Village commissions serve community

    Dedicated local volunteers who serve on Village commissions do much of the work to preserve and enhance the community. With vacancies on three key commissions, others have the opportunity to step up.

  • YS Kids Playhouse ‘Oceans’ moves to the power of dreams

    At a YS Kids Playhouse rehearsal last week in the Presbyterian Church, the cast members of the newest show, Oceans of Notions (Lakes of Mistakes), were laughing hysterically as they ran through the passageways of Westminster Hall.

  • Women’s race soon

    Yellow Springs Girls Running is hosting the second annual Simply Women 5k run and walk for women and girls, to be held Saturday, July 31, 9 a.m. at Yellow Springs High School.

  • Local track meet set

    The 20th annual Miami Valley open track and field meet will be held Thursday evening, July 22, at the Yellow Springs High School track. The meet, hosted by the Miami Valley Track Club, gets underway at 5:30 p.m.

  • Yellow Springs Youth Baseball

    The Twins continue to lead the Major League standings despite not being able to complete a single game last week due to rain. Their game on Monday, July 12, against the Royals was called after three innings, with the Royals leading 3–2.

  • Sea Dogs rise to the challenge

    Last week the Yellow Springs Sea Dogs swam against two teams they had already met this season, the Wayne Wahoos on Tuesday, July 13, and the Green Valley Gators on Thursday, July 15, in Beavercreek. Both teams gave the Sea Dogs a challenge, but the local swimmers stepped up to the competition.

  • YSHS golf begins

    Practices for the upcoming Yellow Springs High School golf season begin on Monday, Aug. 2, with matches beginning 10 days later. Those interested in being on the team are asked to contact Varsity Golf Coach Mike Reichert to be part of the season’s roster.

  • Physicals night soon

    The annual sports physicals night for all YSHS and McKinney School student athletes will be held Thursday, July 29, 6–8 p.m. at Greene Memorial Hospital. Students should enter through the Vera Schneider Building at the north end of the hospital.

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