
Village Life Section :: Page 154

  • Explore downtown history

    Local historian Robin Heise will lead a historical walking tour of downtown Yellow Springs on Sunday.

  • Come out to Pride weekend

    The second annual Yellow Springs Pride Weekend, June 14–16, features a sidewalk parade downtown, educational talks and booths at the Bryan Center, late night parties with live music, DJs and drag troupes and a family-friendly potluck picnic at a park.

  • Little Art making strides

    The Little Art Theatre renovation has made big strides over the past two weeks.

  • Giving blood, giving life in YS

    Shown above are participants in the June 13 Blood Drive and Mini Wellness Fair, sponsored by villager Valerie Blackwell-Truitt of the Ohio State University’s College of Medicine’s Office for Diversity and Inclusion, second from left above. From left are Adam Truitt of Posterior Chain, Blackwell-Truitt, Kirsten Bean of the Greene County Combined Health District (with daughter Natalia), and Buck Truitt of Posterior Chain. (Photo by Anisa Kline)

    On June 13, from 3–6:30 p.m., Yellow Springs’ first Blood Drive and Mini Wellness Fair will be held at the Bryan Center.

  • Villagers asked to monitor mosquito breeding sites

    Villagers are asked to monitor their yards for potential sites for mosquitoes to breed, and remove any standing water they find.

  • Local Girl Scouts sponsor film on girl bullying

    The eight members of local Girl Scout Troop 30349 have organized a community showing of Finding Kind, a documentary about girls bullying girls. The film will be shown at 7 p.m. Friday, May 24, at the Bryan Center gym.

  • First Baptist Church, 150 year in YS

    The First Baptist Church celebrated their 150th anniversary this past weekend.

  • Phyllis Jackson to be honored

    For years, Phyllis Lawson Jackson has been the “go-to” person for local history. The appeal of a historical perspective, she believes, is that even as history teaches us about the past, it also helps illuminate the present.

  • Business brings foot fashion to YS

    Yellow Springs is known for many unique products, but fashionable shoes isn’t one of them. Elaine Chappelle is trying to change that with her new boutique shoe store, Sweet Sanaa.

  • A Proper English Tea

    Sunday, April 28th’s Proper English Tea Senior Center fundrasier was a “thank you” from those who watched Downton Abbey this year on the Senior Center’s big screen TV. Those who attended the tea, both young and old, enjoyed fancy hats, antique tea pots, delicious finger foods donated by villagers, beautiful linens and of course, the […]

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