Village Life Section :: Page 154
Founders Award nominations open
The James A. McKee Association, is seeking nominations for its Founders Award for Distinguished Community Service. The deadline to submit is Feb. 15. Find out who to nominate and how, also learn more about former Police Chief McKee.
‘Auld Lang Syne’ at New Year’s eve, 2013
We all know that iconic New Year’s eve melody. Or do we?
Demand is up at food pantry for food and coats
In Yellow Springs, those who serve the needy are seeing the holiday spirit of solidarity with generous donations of money, food and gifts from villagers so far this season.
Do’s and don’t’s of holiday recycling
During the holiday season, Rumpke trash and recycling services will be a day late, both this week and next. Rumpke expects to see as much as 25 percent more trash and recycling. While many holiday items can be recycled, check here to see what can or can not be recycled.
Hip hop holiday
Saturday afternoon’s holiday fest at the Glen Helen’s Vernet Ecological Center was buzzing with activity — and Santa!
Glen Helen makes bid for Girl Scout camp
It’s been nearly 50 years since Glen Helen has expanded its borders, but the preserve recently entered into an agreement that its leaders hope will result in the acquisition of 28 acres.
Opening minds for inclusive town
When Debra Williamson and her 15-year-old son, Alex, recently put up flyers in downtown stores for an upcoming event, she was pleased that several people, saying hello, called out to Alex by name.
New Community Physicians doctor welcomes families
When patients leave her office, new local physician Dr. Neha Patel wants to make sure they have their hands full.
Books for kids, thanks to Dolly, Greene County Public Library
Every child under five in Greene County is now eligible to receive a free book in the mail once a month thanks to a partnership between country music legend Dolly Parton and the Greene County Public Library.
Holiday happenings in Yellow Springs
The village is gearing up for a weekend of winter wonder with several events planned in celebration of the season.
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