Village Life Section :: Page 153
MLK Day event at Antioch College— Panel looks at racism, inequality
Columbus resident Kwensi Kambon urged attendees at a Martin Luther King Jr. Day panel session this week at Antioch College to “deputize themselves” and fight against racial inequality and discrimination.
Martin Luther King Jr. march and celebration in Yellow Springs, 2014
Over 200 people participated in Yellow Springs’ annual Martin Luther King Jr. memorial march and subsequent celebration at the Central Chapel, AME this January 20.
College, community salutes MLK
If you missed the special one-night screening on March 20, 1970, of the epic film “King: A Filmed Record … From Montgomery to Memphis,” in one of the 600 theaters across the country that showed it, then you probably haven’t seen it since.
MLK Jr. day in Yellow Springs
In observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday today, Monday, Jan. 20, village offices, schools and the News will be closed.
Filmmaker presents rare 1970 King film
A rare 1970 film “King: A Filmed Record” that uses archival news footage will be shown locally as part of MLK Day events.
New First Presbyterian Church pastor preaches ‘radical love’
Take a closer look at the new pastor at the First Presbyterian Church and you’ll see that the man wearing the clerical collar also wears earrings, long hair, tattoos and combat boots.
A nip of the north in southern Ohio
The main clue that things weren’t right on Monday could be found downtown, where the usual weekday hubbub went missing. Streets and sidewalks were empty and coffee shops, very uncharacteristically, looked deserted.
Elder literary journal slated
The Yellow Springs Senior Center is pleased to announce preparations for an elder literary journal, which will feature elders connected to Yellow Springs and Miami Township.
New pastor preaches ‘radical love’
The new pastor of the First Presbyterian Church is a hometown man who preaches about “radical love” and progressive Christianity.
Yellow Springs village peacemakers of 2013
In December, the News, inspired by a suggestion from the Human Relation Commission’s Linda Rudowski, asked villagers to name local residents who had acted as peacemakers or had helped to create harmony in the community in the past year.
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