Village Life Section :: Page 152
A rehab for the rehab
The large cages for Glen Helen’s 30 permanent avian residents have served the Raptor Center for over 30 years. But the wire and wood are aging and have not met current regulation for some time.
VIDEO: 2014 Glen Helen pancake breakfast
After a two-year hiatus, the Glen Helen Association has brought back the beloved Pancake Breakfast.
Native plant propagation workshop
Antioch College in collaboration with Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center is hosting two native plant propagation workshops.
Help spread pancake cheer at the Glen
The Glen needs volunteers to put on its once again annual Pancake Breakfast friend-raiser next weekend.
Feast of Friends
Feast of Friends progressive dinner which will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 8. This annual fundraiser gives needed support to the Friends Care Center. The evening will begin with appetizers, music, and wine at the Friends Care Center. You will be introduced to your dinner companions and given direction to your host’s […]
Must renew your residential listing!
Don’t get left out of the one thing that gathers all of us together in the same place! Renewing your residential listing is free!
Deadline is here—but it’s not too late!
Make sure you’re not left out of the community directory. Contact us to get your business in or to renew your free residential listing.
Particulate pollution levels monitored— Cause of spike is unknown
A regional air pollution agency is investigating an unprecedented and potentially dangerous spike in air pollution in Yellow Springs in December when an exceedingly high concentration of lung-penetrating particles was recorded.
World House Choir begins rehearsals for Coretta Scott King celebration
The World House Choir will hold rehearsals in preparation for the upcoming celebration of Coretta Scott King’s birthday during the months of February, March and April. New members are welcome and encouraged.
Tired of white snow? Think RED!
Sick of the snow & tried of seeing white? Ready for the green of spring? Well, think red! As in the red book, the Yellow Springs Community Directory that comes out in the spring! Now is the time to get your free residential listing in.
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