
Village Life Section :: Page 167

  • Car dealerships in the Village

    An old postcard of the Village Ford which lived on Dayton Street before moving to Xenia Ave. in 1962 (postcard courteous of Bob Baldwin Jr.)

    Who would have thought there was enough room for two car dealerships in town?

  • Village want to have their trees and defend them too

    Last week villagers protested a plan to remove the Bradford pear trees downtown.

  • Seniors swing for health

    The Senior Center recently held the opening meeting of a new class, “Swing Your Way to Health.”

  • Recent Windstorm Clean-up

    Due to the high volume of tree damage caused by the recent windstorms, the Village Public Works crew will assist in the clean-up of private property by collecting brush and limbs that have been cut into 48-inch pieces and placed at the curb. PLEASE assist in expediting the clean-up process by placing ONLY the debris […]

  • Smoke testing begins in village

    The Village of Yellow Springs will be implementing smoke testing of the sewer collection system beginning in late July. Smoke testing is used to test lines for leaks and will be done on a line-by-line, street-by-street basis. It will occur during the day and will be completed in about a week. Testing will take a […]

  • Marching to the beat of a patriotic drum

    July 4th was a scorcher, but it didn’t keep the townsfolk from celebrating the nation’s heritage.

  • Fireworks on the Fourth

    Click here for more photos from the July 4 fireworks display.

  • Village Council— TLT seeks preservation funds

    At their June 18 meeting, Village Council members heard an appeal from Tecumseh Land Trust, or TLT, asking that Village government help preserve Glen Helen.

  • Group urges setting precedent in opposing oil, gas drilling

    Yellow Springs may be the first community in Ohio to ban oil and gas drilling and waste wells within its municipal limits using a rights-based ordinance.

  • 2012 Fourth of July festivities

    Yellow Springs will celebrate Independence day with a parade, a patriotic band concert and, of course, fireworks.

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