Village Life Section :: Page 165
Preparing in life for one’s death
Few people know just when they will die, but those who want to can decide how they leave the world, according to Jane Brown, who worked for many years as a hospital chaplain and then a Hospice care provider.
College survey on YS gym use
Antioch College is working with architectural firm MacLachlan, Cornelius and Filoni to revitalize its historic campus. A key project in the facilities master plan is the health and wellness center, scheduled to open in spring/summer 2014. The center will serve both community and campus needs. In 2008, the college sent out a short survey asking […]
Village natives to speak on black experience
Five former and current villagers will speak on “Being Black in Yellow Springs: The Sixties Experience” on Monday, Feb. 25, at 6:30 p.m. at Antioch University MIdwest.
Deadline has passed… but we can still get you in!
The Yellow Springs Community Directory deadline has passed, but if you hurry you can still get in!
Guns and the Village: Reviewing safety in our schools
The rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14 has caused school communities across the country to reassess the safety of their buildings and their ability to respond to violent threats and crises, especially those related to an active shooter.
Library hosts healing workshops
A free workshop series on Filipino healing traditions presented by local holistic health practitioner Virgil Mayor Apostol begins with a lecture at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 13, at the Yellow Springs Public Library.
Guns and the Village: Guns abundant in Ohio
How popular are guns in this area? How do Ohio’s laws affect our gun scene? Can guns be owned safely by law-abiding citizens? Or are new gun laws needed in Ohio to protect its citizens from gun accidents and gun-wielding criminals?
Library sponsors Filipino healing series
Local holistic health practitioner Virgil Mayor Apostol will share the secrets of the Filipino healing traditions at a free workshop series this month at the Yellow Springs Public Library.
Bundle up! Cold weather advisory for today
Because of severe weather, Yellow Springs Schools are delayed by two hours this morning.
Guns and the Village: where we are, what to do
While gun rights advocates and gun control advocates both see a correlation between guns and violence, they have come to opposite conclusions.
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