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Village Life Section :: Page 166

  • Is your business in the Red Book?

    Advertising in the red book makes it easy for your community to connect with you! The red book is the source for all things Yellow Springs.

  • Snow emergency, drive with care

    Yellow Springs is under a Level 1 Snow Emergency today, Friday, Jan. 25. Drivers should use caution.

  • Pining for a resistant strain

    Yellow Springs Tree Committee members Anna Bellisari and Robert Gage enjoyed a rare view of Dayton Street and beyond from the height of a bucket truck last week. They went to the upper stories of an unusually strong and resilient Austrian pine to get clippings they will use to reproduce and potentially commercialize. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Village resident Robert Gage doesn’t relish heights, but even hovering at 70 feet in the air last week, he appeared less concerned with the drop than with the fertility of the newest shoots he was clipping.

  • Braving cold to show solidarity

    Cold temperatures didn’t keep away villagers from taking part in Monday’s annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day walk and service. See more photos.

  • MLK Day activities begin on Friday

    Villagers have several opportunities to honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. over this week-end.

  • New firm helps village go green

    New company GreenTech Energy Solutions will offer home energy audits, complete home retrofits and solar power products to local customers. Shannon Lindstrom, left, and alternative energy expert Chris Meyer, right, are partners in the new firm, along with Scott Lindstrom. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Interested in solar power? Adding insulation to your home? A super high-efficiency furnace? Then one local company, which is expanding services this month under a new name, may be the place to go for homeowners wanting to go green.

  • Glen host to variety of feathered friends in winter

    Glen Helen took part in the annual Christmas Bird Count over the Christmas holiday, and counters found that the frozen woods aren’t as quiet as they sometimes seem.

  • Are you in the Redbook?

    Loren was so excited to see his name in the 2012-13 Redbook! (photo by Suzanne Ehalt)

    The Redbook is the local, community-oriented phone directory, with business and residential listings produced by the Yellow Springs News.


  • Villagers return to normal water use

    The Village will use Code Red at noon today to let villagers know they can return to normal water usage, following last week’s water line break in the Gaunt Park area.

  • Year in review 2012: Village tackles heat, health, trees

    Year in review 2012: Village tackles heat, health, trees

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