Village Life Section :: Page 193
State representatives call for investigation of gas industry sales tactics
A press release sent Tuesday from State Representative Teresa Fedor asks the Ohio attorney general to investigate potential evidence implicating the oil and gas production industry in the use of deceptive tactics to get land owners to lease their properties for drilling.
Forests for local food
Mark Shepard told a crowd of 120 villagers to transform our farm fields into forests for more local food.
Celebrate Earth Day
Earth Day 2011 will be celebrated in Yellow Springs with several events this week.
Peace Corps volunteers to gather on Sunday
This Sunday local returned Peace Corps volunteers will gather at the Senior Center from 1:30 to 4 p.m. for a celebration of the organization’s 50th birthday. The public is invited.
The community in community theater
The value of theater in a small town goes beyond entertainment; as well as providing something interesting to do on a weekend night, theater brings people together for a shared experience.
Kids wellness day at Children’s Center
Local health practitioners Erika Grushon and Keri Speck have organized a kid’s wellness day on holistic health alternatives for children.
Tornado season is here: be prepared
Villagers should get prepared for tornado season by finding a safe space in their home.
Gardens, gardeners sprouting
What began as a modest effort to start a community garden has mushroomed to four neighborhood gardens scattered around town — with more soon to sprout.
McKee group hosts schools conversation
This Sunday, April 3, at 2 p.m. a community conversation on the local schools will take place at the Senior Center. The public is invited to the event, which is sponsored by the James A. McKee Association.
Nonstop examines Progressive arts in small towns
Does being an arts town mean just producing art, or also encouraging the questioning of and critical thinking about the dominant culture that artists tend to provide?
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