Village Life Section :: Page 201
Green space funding approved
At their Nov. 1 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously approved a motion to allocate a significant portion of Village estate tax revenues each year to the greenbelt fund, in order to provide regular funding for green space preservation.
Affordability a village issue
Anecdotal evidence in the region suggests that Yellow Springs is a relatively expensive place to live, and real estate data supports the assumption that the cost of housing in the village is relatively high, compared to surrounding communities.
Village veterans remember wars
For those who saw military combat or served in the U.S. armed forces, Nov. 11, Veterans Day, is a time to remember the often painful memories of war and to honor their comrades who did not make it home. As the local veterans who live and work in Yellow Springs reflect on wars that changed their lives…
Peifer Orchards lets the Autumn flavors flow
Peifer Orchards will continue to press apple cider until December, when the cider season will end.
Join Glen’s Honeysuckle Daze
Glen Helen calls for volunteers to help with this Saturday’s Honeysuckle Daze, a day to oust the invasive species that threatens to take over the preserve.
Ghostly tales spook town throughout its history
Among Yellow Springs’ most well-known ghost stories are tales more than 100 years old — the “Jersey Angel” and “Thunderstorm Ghost.” Read them here.
Tales of hauntings in the village
Apparitions and ghostly music at Ye Olde Trail Tavern. Loaves of bread flying off the counter at the Sunrise Cafe. Disembodied voices in Antioch’s Main Building. Chairs traveling through the air in the Union Schoolhouse. A phantom walking around John Bryan State Park.
On Halloween, boo to you, too
Have you heard about the ghost cows in the village, and the long-dead owner who some people still hear calling his herd? Or about the retired steamboat captain who built a home the shape of his ship, with a bell that allegedly can still be heard on foggy nights?
Energy Board recommends line-drying—A meditative, energy-saving habit
Laura Ellison, who has been air drying her laundry since she was 22, doesn’t see her energy-saving act as a sacrifice. Stringing clothes on lines that zigzag her living room in front of a wood stove is a relaxing, almost spiritual experience.
Village a comfortable bicultural fit
When Enshané Nomoto was looking for a place to settle near her new job last year, she got an obscure recommendation from a classmate she hardly knew to visit Yellow Springs. She didn’t know what to expect. She and her husband, Yukio, were looking for a place that was progressive…
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