Village Life Section :: Page 203
Eat, Pray, Love
Monica Hasek organized a Yellow Springs Version of the memoir “Eat, Pray, Love” last Thursday with the help of Yoga Springs Studio, the Winds Cafe and the Little Art.
Mediation program hopes to expand—A person-to-person peace
When conflict arises in the village, one local organization stands ready to reconcile differences and make peace — the Village Mediation Program. For 21 years, the program’s trained volunteer facilitators have mediated crises free of charge between neighbors, families and businesses, saving villagers thousands of dollars in legal fees and the frustration of prolonged disputes.
Shower of Stoles to exhibit at Presbyterian church
Drawing attention to the plight of gay, lesbian bisexual and transgender people of faith around the country, next weekend the Yellow Springs First Presbyterian Church will host a national exhibit of liturgical stoles representing 1,000 homosexual clergy members of 32 religious denominations, many who have been excluded from serving in their church due to their sexual orientation.
Students, teachers jam to their own success
During Friday’s all-school assembly, Principal Tim Krier asked all the teachers to stand and be recognized for their hard work over the past two years of continuous improvement for the district.
Well? Was it hot enough for ya?
Was it hot out this summer? Or was it just me? Okay, it was hot out, but maybe not as hot as you think. According to Dayton-area statistics from the National Weather Service, or NWS, in Wilmington, 2010 shaped up as the 12th hottest summer since record keeping began 132 years ago.
First Presbyterian church spotlights the plight of gay people of faith
To draw attention to the plight of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people of faith around the country, the First Presbyterian Church of Yellow Springs next weekend will host a national exhibit of liturgical stoles representing 1,000 clergy members of 32 religious denominations…
A chicken farm to save the planet
When local resident Kat Krehbiel hatched the idea for a local food farm, chickens were only a small part of the plan.
YSKP invites adults to join the fun
YS Kids Playhouse is widening its scope this fall by opening up some of its youth dance classes to adults who want to boogie too.
Murphy examines cars, consumption
Electric cars may not be the answer to reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, says local author Pat Murphy in his recently-released book, Spinning Our Wheels. Instead, Murphy proposes, we should share rides to increase transportation’s efficiency and reduce the number of total cars on the road.
Musical renewal for Havurah
The spiritual activities of the Yellow Springs Havurah have always been done in an organized but less than dogmatic manner. The group of 15–20 active members observes the Sabbath each week on the Antioch College campus that informs its friendly tone.
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