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Village Life Section :: Page 205

  • Anthropologist studies island AIDS

    Of the 26 countries in the insular Pacific, Papua New Guinea has the highest rate of HIV infection: 98 to 99 percent of new cases occur there, according to anthropologist and Wittenberg professor Lawrence Hammar. Yet, he said, the state can’t effectively address the problem because it fears offending outside aid organizations…

  • Big trees wanted in the village

    This summer the Yellow Springs Tree Committee is scouring the community for the next state champion tree. Several weeks ago, committee members Kathy Beverly and Macy Reynolds measured a 37-inch-circumference shagbark hickory at Mills Lawn School and a 55-inch-circumference oak tree on the Antioch campus, the largest yet.

  • In search of big trees

    Macy Reynolds, left, and Kathy Beverly of the Tree Committee measured the large oaks, hickories and locust trees of Mills Lawn on a recent summer day. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    It’s no a surprise that Yellow Springs has an abundance of large trees. This summer the Yellow Springs Tree Committee seeks the largest in their update to a 1972 report, “The big trees of Yellow Springs.” See a 1972 map of the largest trees in Yellow Springs here.

  • Yellow Springs kids play Fair to win

    At his family’s farm last week across from Dollar General, 16-year-old Austin Pence was using the cool of the dusk to wash and blow dry two of his favorite animals. Mabel, a year-old heifer, and Bart, a 17-month-old steer, hung by the white barn calm and collected as their black coats began to take on a fluffiness.

  • Standing up Saturdays for peace since 2002

    For an hour every Saturday, a small group of Yellow Springs residents takes to a street corner near downtown with a message of peace. Waving flags and holding signs with such sayings as “War is terrorism” and “Schools not bombs,” the peace activists get honks and hollers from passing motorists, along with the satisfaction that they are standing up for what’s right.

  • Eden World a place for creativity, relaxation

    Jennifer Horner relaxes in the lobby of her business Eden World, a walk-in wellness space on Xenia Avenue. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Visitors and residents alike can walk right-off-the-street into an oasis of health and rejuvenation at Eden World Center for Wellness and Discovery at 253 Xenia Avenue.

  • Food Pantry feeds local families in need

    Patty McAllister fills the food pantry in the basement of the Yellow Springs Methodist Church with food donated locally. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    In troubled economic times, the Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry continues to offer free food and household goods to local families.

  • YSKP rehearses for ‘Oceans of Notions’

    YSKP rehearsed for the summer’s second production, Oceans of Notions (Lakes of Mistakes), with visiting director Lenard Petit this week at the Presbyterian Church.

  • The Quilt Barn Project

    A local 4H club put up the first in a series of painted quilt designs last Sunday afternoon.

  • Women’s group teaches sacred self-care

    Amy Chavez (left) and Marybeth Wolf of the Yellow Spring Red Tent group shared practices for womb and belly self-massage at the Bhakti house on Herman Street.

    The women who participated in a womb and belly self-care workshop on Friday learned more than massage techniques – they discovered the healing potential of a circle of women.

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