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Mills Lawn School Section :: Page 5

  • A health-conscious start to the day at Mills Lawn

    Students at Mills Lawn Elementary School participated in Walk to School Day on Oct. 5.

    Mills Lawn Elementary School celebrated Walk to School Day on Oct. 5. At around 9 a.m., participating students set off for the playground outside Mills Lawn, enjoying a brisk walk through the cool morning on a late-start Wednesday.

  • Mills Lawn puts on its walking shoes

    Mills Lawn Elementary School will be one of more than 4,000 schools across the nation to celebration Walk to School Day on Wednesday, Oct. 5

  • New McKinney, Mills Lawn teachers

    Eight new teachers and the new fundraiser for the Yellow Springs school district took part in orientation activities last week. Front row, from left, teachers Steve Bleything, Kevin Lydy, Robert Grote and Christopher Snider. Back row, from left, district fundraiser Dawn Boyer and teachers Shannon Wilson, Carrie Juergens, Lorrie Sparrow-Knapp and Jaimie Adoff. Yellow Springs students return to school this Friday, Aug. 19. The three new Yellow Springs High School teachers will be profiled in the August 25 issue of the News. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    The district is welcoming eight newly hired teachers to the local schools this year. This article introduces the five new Mills Lawn and McKinney Middle School teachers. In a following article will introduce the three new teachers at Yellow Springs High School.

  • Mills Lawn School ‘Buddy bench’ project ensures a place for everyone

    Kindergartners Zane, Maddy, Lian and Gracie seemed to prove the point of the newly installed Buddy Bench on the Mills Lawn School playground recently. The bench was constructed by students as a PBL project from wood of one of the many recently felled ash trees. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    A group of students at Mills Lawn School installed a new feature on the K–2 playground recently that they anticipate will help their classmates enjoy a happier and friendlier recess time.

  • Mills Lawn celebrates Peace Week

    Mills Lawn students celebrated Peace Week last week, as part of the school’s annual Project Peace campaign.

  • Mills Lawn students plan for a bench

    Mr. Knostman’s fourth-grade class at Mills Lawn School is working on a project to improve the Glen Forest cemetery by adding a memory bench. Students here are shown mapping the project. (Submitted Photo)

    Fourth-graders in Brian Knostman’s class at Mills Lawn Elementary are leading a project to make Glen Forest Cemetery more comfortable for mourners visiting loved ones and friends.

  • Mills Lawn School third-graders learn to be citizens

    Members of Ms. Peg Morgan’s third-grade class at Mills Lawn School recently spent two months on a project-based learning, or PBL, project focused on local government and citizenship. Shown above are, front row from left, Morris Wyatt, Sam Gilley, Claire Lewis, Cole Oberg, Katie Quigley, and Sophie Tatman. In the middle, Lacey Longshaw, Tegan Hays, Ayla Arnold, Brady Clark, Tiger Collins and Miles Gilchrist. And in the back row, Liliana Herzog, Kenji Housh, Quinn Creighton, Kanon Flatt, Elyse Lytle, Avry Bell-Arment and Ms. Morgan. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Students in Ms. Morgan’s third-grade class at Mills Lawn came upon several surprises as they studied local government during the past two months.

  • Mills Lawn School presents a winter concert

    There was much to hear at the Annual Mills Lawn School Winter Concert (Photos by Matt Minde)

    At Mills Lawn School’s January 27 Winter Concert all the fine performers were equally good listeners.

  • Banner day at Mills Lawn School

    Mills Lawn School third graders proudly presented banners they’d woven from recycled materials to Principal Matt Housh. (Submitted photo courtesy of Mills Lawn School)

    Mills Lawn School third graders proudly presented banners they’d woven from recycled materials.

  • 2015 Mills Lawn School sixth grade clap out

    Mills Lawn School sixth grade students run the annual ritual of the clap out. (Video by Matt Minde)

    Annual running of the halls at the Mills Lawn School sixth-grade clap out.

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