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Village Schools Section :: Page 36

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education Special Meeting

    Saturday, Feb. 23, 2019, at 8:30 a.m., Graham Conference Room

  • Basora to depart the district

    After nine years at the helm of the local school district, Yellow Springs Schools Superintendent Mario Basora will leave for the top district job in nearby Huber Heights.

  • Schools closed today, Wednesday, Feb. 20

    Sub-zero temperatures are predicted across the Midwest this week — here are some tips for staying warm and safe. (Photo by Suzsanne Szempruch)

    Yellow Springs Schools are closed today, Wednesday, Feb. 20, due to snow and ice.

  • Village schools closed Wednesday, Jan. 30

    Ice covers January's bare trees. Slick road conditions from the refreezing of the recent melt gave rise to this morning's two-hour school delay. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The Yellow Springs Board of Education decided this morning to close village schools for Monday, Jan. 24, due to slick road conditions.

  • 2018 Year in Review: Village Schools

    The YSHS girls swam to their third straight Metro Buckeye Conference Championship this year, capturing first place in an astounding six out of the 11 events. Pictured here are members of the winning team, including, from left, Ellery Bledsoe, Aza Hurwitz, Sara Zendlovitz, Madison Werner, Eden Spriggs, Natalie Galarza and Jude Meekin. All finished in the top eight in their individual events, with team captains Spriggs and Meekin winning all of their individual events. The girls 200 medley relay and 400 free relay also won, with the 400 free relay team setting a new MBC record. (Submitted photo by Kathleen Galarza)

    2018 Year in Review: Village Schools

  • YS School Board— District forming a facilities committee

    At the last school board meeting of 2018, district Superintendent Mario Basora looked ahead to the new year, when the district “will click the reset button” in addressing local school facility needs.

  • Yellow Springs Schools seeks deeper diversity

    Achieving greater racial diversity among employees of Yellow Springs Schools — teachers, administrators and staff — has been a longtime goal of the local district. 

  • Local plays selected for state conference

    This fall’s YSHS/McKinney Bulldog Theater Festival productions of “Romeo and Juliet” and “Girls Like That” are headed to Ohio Thespian Association state conference in March.

  • Circle of life, twice in one day

    Mills Lawn Elementary School performed its all-school musical on Thursday, Nov. 15. More than 200 first- through sixth-grade students brought “The Lion King KIDS” to life. Pictured above, the lion Mufasa, top, played by sixth-grader Conor Anderson, speaks from the afterlife to his son, Simba, played by sixth-grader James White. (Photo by Matthew Collins)

    This year’s tri-annual all-school musical — with more than 200 Mills Lawn School students participating —  was an adaptation of the popular Disney movie and later Tony-award winning musical “The Lion King.”

  • Gallery from YSHS/McKinney Exhibition Night, Nov. 19

    During their annual fall Exhibition Night on Monday, Nov. 19, students from Yellow Springs High School and McKinney Middle School demonstrated the project-based learning, or PBL, units undertaken so far this year. See more photos after the jump.

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