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  • John William Laurens

    John William Laurens

    John William Laurens, 65, passed away peacefully on Saturday Nov. 11, 2017, at his Jamestown, Ohio, residence.

  • Donate to plastics drive

    Plastics will be collected around Antioch College and at the Wellness Center through Jan. 1 to be recycled into prosthetic devices.

    Form5 Prosthetics Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating eco-friendly plastic prosthetics devices, has begun at plastics drive at Antioch College

  • Reception for outgoing Mayor Dave Foubert

    A reception to honor retiring mayor Dave Foubert will take place this Wednesday, Nov. 15, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at Bryan Center.

  • ‘Hometown Heroes’ film urges pollinator habitats

    Tecumseh Land Trust and the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will sponsor the first area screening of “Hometown Habitat: Stories of Bringing Nature Home” by Catherine Zimmerman on Sunday, Dec. 3, at 4 p.m. at the Little Art Theatre

  • BLOG-Selfies in Seattle

    Finding yet another reason to appreciate my New York mom in Washington State.

  • Volunteers needed for Miami Township Fire-Rescue

    Miami Township Fire-Rescue is in need of volunteers. (Photo via

    Miami Township Fire-Rescue has a critical need for local residents willing to commit the time and train to become a firefighter and/or emergency medical technician.

  • Precinct-level results for Nov. 2017 election

    About 50 percent of Yellow Springs voters cast ballots in yesterday’s elections. Results by precinct for the four local races and two state issues are provided here.

  • Election results in the village

    There are many new faces on the village’s governing bodies following the Nov. 7 election.

  • Let the sun shine…

    Pictured here in the first row are, from left, Village Manager Patti Bates, Superintendent of Electricity and Water Distribution Johnnie Burns (with big scissors), Council member Jerry Simms and Council President Karen Wintrow. Other Council members and project collaborators are also pictured. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    The Village’s new 1-megawatt solar array is now up and running on Village-owned property at Glass Farm.

  • ‘Conscious aging’ event

    Cleveland resident Mary Grigolia, minister of the Unitarian Fellowship in Oberlin, will present a workshop on “Conscious Aging” on Saturday, Nov. 4, at 9:30 a.m., at the Senior Center. All are invited. (Submitted photo)

    In American culture, youth is elevated and elders are often dismissed. But organizers of this week’s workshop on “Conscious Aging” want to change that trend.

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