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  • Grounding vision of resilience at Agraria

    Community Solutions Executive Director Susan Jennings looked out at the Agraria farm from the renovated barn at the 128-acre property just west of the village. Community Solutions’ annual meeting will be at Agraria on Saturday, July 21, from 2 to 4 p.m. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    On the property Community Solutions purchased last year, the 75-year-old local nonprofit wants to model regenerative agriculture as part of its mission to create resilient communities in the face of climate change.

  • David Edward ’Ed’ ’Sonny’ Blackman

    David Edward Blackman

    It is with deep sorrow that the Blackman family announces the transition of beloved father, grandfather, brother, uncle, cousin and friend, David Edward “Ed” “Sonny” Blackman.


    Village of Yellow Springs

  • State of the College address— Manley eyes Antioch challenges

    At last Saturday’s State of the College address to college alumni, Antioch College President Tom Manley closed with a quote from South African human rights activist Nelson Mandela: “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

  • Village Council — Discipline process continues

    The disciplinary process for Yellow Springs Police Cpl. David Meister continues this week after a motion failed at Council’s July 16 meeting that would have halted the process.

  • John Cage’s words inspire dance

    Guest artist Paul Lazar of New York City will visit Antioch College this Friday to put on a solo performance piece, “Cage Shuffle,” in which he recites the stories of experimental artist John Cage along with a movement sequence. The title is so named because Lazar is fed the stories through an ear bud using an iTunes playlist set to shuffle. The performance is Friday, July 20, at 7 p.m. at Antioch’s Foundry Theater. (Submitted photo)

    This week, long-time Yellow Springs resident Louise Smith, associate professor of devised theater and performance at Antioch College, will host a guest artist, Paul Lazar, who will perform “Cage Shuffle,” an original work based on written text by composer John Cage.

  • Yellow Springs, New York, L.A.

    Before the screening of her new feature film “Blindspotting," at the Little Art Theatre, July 19, Actor Janina Gavankar and friend Dave Chappelle hung out in front of a mural of the musician Prince in Kieth’s alley by local artist Sarah Dickens. (Photo by Robert Hasek)

    Actor Janina Gavankar visited Yellow Springs last Thursday, July 19, for a special preview screening of her new feature film “Blindspotting.”

  • Art on the Lawn to return for 35th year

    Anastasia Mak, this year's featured artist at Art on the Lawn, with her work. (Submitted photo)

    The 35th annual Art on the Lawn will be held Saturday, Aug. 11, with featured artist Anastasia Mak.

  • Women’s Park to receive VIDA

    Some of the Women's Park gardeners and founders recently met at the park, on the Little Miami Bike Trail. The park will be honored with the YS Arts and Culture Commission's VIDA on Aug. 1 at 6 p.m. The public is invited.

    The Yellow Springs Arts and Culture Commission has selected The Women’s Park to receive the Village Inspiration and Design Award, or VIDA, for summer 2018.

  • While you were sleeping…

    The soon-to-be-retired utility pole illuminated against the night sky by work lights (Photo by Matt Minde)

    A report and photo essay on the the back-alley ballet of removing and replacing an aging utility pole.

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