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  • Paige Burge named Yellow Springs Police Chief

    Nearly eight months after the resignation of Brian Carlson, Interim Chief Paige Burge has been named the chief of the Yellow Springs Police Department.

  • Emergent Verse | ‘High Lonesome’

    Banner for column "Emergent Verse" by Ed Davis

    Retired Antioch professor, poet and translator Harold Wright used to contribute articles to the News, concluding with a tanka, a strict Japanese poetic form.

  • Emergent Verse | An Introduction

    Banner for column "Emergent Verse" by Ed Davis

    As I walked in Glen Helen pondering the first installment of this reincarnated poetry column, the phrase “emergent verse” came to me and I realized I’d found its title.

  • Council continues Citizen Review Board discussions

    At its Monday, March 7 meeting, held virtually via Zoom, Village Council members debated whether to press forward with setting aside money to hire an attorney to review the Citizen Review Board, or CRB, proposal.

  • Ohio Legislature eyes divisive education bills

    Two bills that target the teaching of “divisive” issues in Ohio’s schools continue to be discussed in committee after being introduced last year.

  • Playin’ o’er a pint

    A Irish session band held court at Ye Olde Trail Tavern on Saturday, March 12. Playing were Kenton Domer-Shank on accordion, Patrick Foose on banjo, Ken Beer on fiddle, Parker Buckley on mandolin and Tim Daugherty on the anglo concertina.

  • COVID Update | March 17, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    According to data disseminated by the Ohio Department of Health, COVID-19 numbers across the state continued to decline over the past full week, with Greene County numbers also reflecting a downward trend.

  • Channel 5 public access — Building community through TV

    Above: Lacey Fox, Community Access Yellow Springs Channel 5 Station Manager, in her office at the Bryan Center. Fox invites the community to submit their videos to Channel 5. (Photo by Lauren "Chuck" Shows)

    Public access television channel Community Access Yellow Springs — Spectrum Channel 5 — content is curated for its local cable audience, but it’s also, as was the intention for public access when it was originally conceived, meant to be utilized as a tool for creation by anyone in the community.

  • Ordinance 2022-08

    Ordinance 2022-08

  • Village Council Virtual Meeting

    Village Council Virtual Meeting • Monday, March 21, 2022, at 7 p.m.

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