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  • Black-owned businesses in Yellow Springs: an oral history

    In decades past, a villager could walk through town and encounter a host of businesses owned by Black residents of Yellow Springs.

  • Anthrotech under new ownership

    The business, which focuses on research and consulting around anthropometry — the study of the dimensions of the human body — changed hands in January of 2021.

  • The architecture of a village

    The edifices that line the central throughways in the heart of the village form a patchwork of design and structure. The structures are quirky, asymmetrical and kaleidoscopic in color — the squat skyline, seldom rising above two stories, is jagged and sundry.

  • The Briar Patch | Venerating our Black girls

    “Black women in this community are not a monolith — there are plenty of us who had different experiences within the social framework of this community.”

  • YSHS One Acts return

    The YSHS One Acts — short plays written, directed and acted by students — were revived this year by Rosemary Burmester, who produced and coordinated the plays for her senior project.

  • My Name Is Iden | Relax baby, it’s just art

    My Name is Iden

    “That is what art is at its core. It is the reception and processing of data by the artist. What we see and hear, what we smell and taste, what we feel is all just raw empirical data.”

  • March 10, 2022 | Bulldog Sports Round-Up

    The first Yellow Springs High School bowler to advance to the state tournament finals finished in the top quarter of the field in the Division II competition Friday, March 4, in Columbus.

  • March 3, 2022 | Bulldog Sports Round-Up

    Senior Max Sturgeon bowled a 686 in three games (256, 249, 181), giving him a sixth place among the 162 participating players and qualifying him for the state tournament Friday, March 4.

  • Police Chief candidates introduced

    Several months after naming an interim chief to fill the position left by Brian Carlson, Village Manager Josué Salmerón has announced three finalists for Chief of the Yellow Springs Police Department: Paige Burge, Selvain McQueen and Keith Salyers.

  • COVID Update | March 10, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    According to data disseminated by the Ohio Department of Health, COVID-19 numbers across the state continued to decline over the past full week, with Greene County numbers also reflecting a downward trend.

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