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Articles by Carol Simmons :: Page 12

  • YSHS 2021 graduation speakers— Finding direction amid atypical year

    Natalie Galarza and Kayla Ross were the two seniors chosen to speak for their class at Thursday evening’s Yellow Springs High School commencement ceremony.

  • Facilities survey— Many reluctant to hike taxes

    The results of a new survey that polled Yellow Springs school district voters about their views concerning local school facilities — and the anticipated $30 million to $35 million cost to undertake major renovations or build new — suggest a dilemma for district leaders.

  • New MLS principal named

    Megan Winston, a vice principal at Xenia High School, is expected to be approved at this week’s regular Yellow Springs school board meeting as the next principal at Mills Lawn Elementary School.

  • Miami Township— Old firehouse utility fees in dispute

    There is a question about who is responsible for the utility fees after the YSDC announced the pending sale to Chappelle in December until the final closing in March. The YSDC thinks the Township is still responsible; the Township disagrees.

  • Mills Lawn School principal finalists named

    The school district announced earlier this week that a 12-member interview committee had selected Cheryl Lowe, a fifth-grade teacher at the school, and Megan Winston, an assistant principal at Xenia High School, as the top candidates.

  • Yellow Springs schools— Plan addresses learning losses

    Concerned about the educational setbacks experienced by students during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ohio Department of Education has required all districts in the state to submit a document detailing how they plan to assess and then address potential learning losses or delays.

  • Person to take ‘different path’

    Michelle Person, who is finishing her first year as principal at Mills Lawn Elementary School, formally announced her resignation, effective June 30, during the most recent school board meeting Thursday, April 8.

  • Suspect faces new charges

    Zyrian Atha-Arnett (center) on Thursday, Nov. 21, entered a not guilty plea in Greene County Common Pleas Court to two counts of murder and one count of felonious assault in the stabbing death of Leonid “Lonya” Clark earlier this year. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    New charges have been filed against the former classmate and friend accused of murder in the 2019 stabbing death of Leonid “Lonya” Clark. But the additional charges, which involve possible child pornography, appear to be separate from the homicide case.

  • Forums invite facilities input

    The Yellow Springs school facilities master planning process is continuing to move forward, and district Superintendent Terri Holden expects to take a proposal to the school board in a specially called meeting later this month.

  • Rotary comes to Yellow Springs

    At a time when traditional civic organizations are experiencing steep declines in membership, a local man has organized a Yellow Springs-based affiliate to one of the most traditional civic clubs in the country — The Rotary.

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